
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Little Free Library Sightings: The Midwest Edition

It's always fun to see a Little Free Library "out in the wild!"  I love to spot them, browse their selection, leave a book if possible, and then look them up on the official website, because sometimes they have interesting stories to go along with them!  There's also an app you can download to find local Little Free Libraries where you can even "check in" to keep track of the ones you've visited!  Here are several I visited during our summer trip to Illinois and Oklahoma!

#178119 - During our visit to Illinois, we stayed in Glen Ellyn, a suburb of Chicago.  I was pleasantly surprised to see in the LFL app that there were many libraries located in the area, and we were able to visit a few during an early morning walk one day!  This was the first LFL I visited in Glen Ellyn.  It's located inside the train station, which is a perfect spot for a library!  I hope commuters and others get a lot of use out of it.  
#47959 - This LFL is located at a church, dedicated to the memory of the former church librarian/bibliophile.  Such a touching tribute!  There were some religious texts in it, but also some fiction offerings, including The 5th Wave!
#130650 - It's hard to tell, but this LFL does match the house behind it - I love when that happens!  It looked like there were a lot of self-help books in it.  
#48139 - This LFL had some lovely painted flowers on it and gold birds on top.  There is no story associated with it, but it seems like there could be!
#147910 - This LFL, dedicated to two schoolteachers, is located at a church in Glen Ellyn.  Even though it has a charter number, it wasn't in the app, but we just happened to stop at the church so my mom could light a candle and we saw it.  It had a lot of children's books, so I grabbed one for Henry!
#178395 - This was the only LFL I visited in the actual city of Chicago.  It's located just outside the Chicago Shakespeare Theater at Navy Pier, which we visited one morning with Henry.  Disappointingly, it was empty!  I wish I'd had a book to leave.
#172826 - "Brad-brary" Little Free Library was not far from our rental in Glen Ellyn, but on a major road, so Tom drove me there one evening.  It had a few books in it, but I didn't take or leave any.
#137586 - "Carol's Corner" Little Free Library is located near my brother's house in Tulsa, so it was an easy visit!  This LFL was well-stocked with children's books and early reader books.  I snagged a book about getting ready for second grade for my nephew, who will be starting that grade very soon!


  1. So cute when they match the house. I always wanted a mailbox that matched my house or a birdhouse. That is so fun.

    1. They are adorable! My house is not really cute enough for it, so I always love seeing these!

  2. Oh my gosh, so many! I love a Little Free Library, we have a few nearby my house but I love seeing all the different designs people make for them. I love the one with the little gold birds and painted flowers, it's looks so cute. It's probably a lot cleaner to have bird statues instead of real birds hanging out, also, haha.

    1. I love a good classic LFL but the creativity many people put into them - it's amazing!

  3. I love that they match the house! That's adorable.

  4. It's always interesting to get the story behind the LFL's. Like the church one in honor of their librarian. What a lovely tribute.

    1. I know, I love reading the ones that have stories!

  5. These are all really cute! I especially like the one with the birds on top!


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