
Friday, July 5, 2024

Mid-Year Goals Check-In

It's hard to believe, but 2024 is already half over!  So, now is the perfect time to check in on the goals we set back in January!

  1. Read 75 books. At the time I'm writing this, I've read 51 books, so I'm well ahead on this goal!
  2. Reread once a month.  So far I'm at 100% on this goal!  Most months, the first book I choose is a reread, and it's a nice way to start the month!
  3. Read at least six nonfiction books.  I've already read 6 nonfiction books this year, and I have so many more on my shelves and TBR that I'm excited about!
  4. Finish the Bridgerton series.  Goal completed!  I finished the last book in June.
  5. Purge my shelves. I've donated over 40 books this year, including many dropped off at Little Free Libaries.  My shelves are still full, but I'm making progress!

And here is how my sister is doing on her goals:

  1. Read 275 books.  I actually recently dropped my goal to 250 books and I feel good about it.  I know it is taking me longer to get through books this year due to other hobbies I am giving more attention to.  But I am basically sticking to the books that excite me the most, so I’m happy with this development. 
  2. Track my reading contemporaneously. Doing good on this one!  My spreadsheet is pretty up to date and it is so interesting seeing the sources and format of my reading, as well as what genres I gravitate towards.
  3. Binge author backlists via audio.  Making lots of good progress on this one.  I have listened to multiple backlist titles from Christina Lauren, Katee Robert and Sierra Simone.  I never would have had time to physically read all of these so the audiobooks have been a lifesaver.
  4. Listen to 5 audiobooks with my hubby.  We are starting the first of our summer road trips at the end of June, so this goal will really commence then.  We are a couple chapters into an audiobook about the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, but we don’t get too many opportunities for long, uninterrupted car time.

How are you doing on your goals this year?


  1. Angela - You are doing amazing! So far ahead on your challenges. Michele - 275 is A LOT of books (as is 250). I think your approach is a good one - read what excites you and great job tracking. I also find the information interesting when I see patterns emerge.

  2. My only goal this year, as always, was 50 books and I'm at 63 already!

  3. Yay for being close to your goals!
    I've gotten more reading done this year than I have in a bit so I changed my goal from 75 to 100 to 120 and it's at 150 now and I'm at 138 so I'm happy with it!
    Besides that reading goal this year my goals are to watch more movies, be more consistent with posting on my blog and about more than just books (I post about movies, food, books, games, crafts, survival stuff, life stuff, homeschool stuff, parenting, and just about anything else I can think of)
    I'm also trying to do more book reviews, it's hard to find time to be a parent, a wife, read books, watch movies, do reviews, keep up with house work, homeschool, and still sleep lol

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. Thanks, Ash! Yes, it is hard trying to balance everything! Book reviews are hard for me, too, I tend to procrastinate and that makes them even harder to write!

  4. You're doing amazing on your goals, and your sister is doing great too! I have no goals, and I think I've read like 15 books lol, it's been a slow reading year. I do keep meaning to reread some books, but new ones are so tempting.

  5. You are both really slaying your goals! I don't tend to set bookish goals other than the GR goal and I'm right on track for that one.

  6. You're both doing awesome! I'm scared to look back at my reading goals. I've barely been reading at all lately. :)

    1. Thanks, Aj! Well, you've been so busy with work, it's understandable!

  7. Looks like you're both doing great at your goals! I've been wanting to re-read more too, but so far I only did one re-read... Maybe I'll get to catch up this summer :)

  8. You both are doing great! I don't think I am achieving my goal of reading more books on my shelf/older books. This happens every year! haha.

    1. Haha, I always think I'm making progress, but it's so hard!

  9. Look at you accomplishing all these goals! I'm about to donate a bunch of books. It's that time of year where I feel good about letting go.


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