
Friday, June 7, 2024

Indie Bookstore Spotlight: Frenchtown Bookshop

My dad and stepmom gifted me a Guess Where trip for my birthday (basically it's a company that plans surprise day trips - you get 4 envelopes and it tells you where to go, recommendations for activities, shops, and restaurants at each stop, etc.), so Tom and I took a day off last month and went exploring!  I don't want to give too much away in case anyone decides to try this company, so I won't say the name of this particular trip, but at one point, we ended up in Frenchtown, New Jersey, and one of the recommended stops was a bookstore!  Of course, I had to go in!

The Frenchtown Bookshop is "a family-owned independent bookstore... committed to selling worthwhile books carefully chosen to inspire curiosity, connection, and compassion. The Bookshop is committed to partnering with the many diverse residents and organizations of the Frenchtown area and to emphasizing the art, literature, and natural setting of the Delaware River Towns."


From the outside, it's super charming, in a beautiful historic building.  There are chairs and benches on the front porch, which was a great place for Tom to hang out while I browsed.  The charm continues on the inside, which is light, bright, and airy, such a perfect environment for browsing books!


It's bigger on the inside than it might appear from the outside, and there are SO many books, on shelves lining the walls, tables, and shelves spread around the floor.  Bestsellers, new releases, fiction, nonfiction, self-help, poetry - I saw a bit of everything.  There's a section for children's books in the back, and I really had to stop myself from buying everything.  So many interesting-looking books, different from what I normally come across.  

In the back, there is a little nook containing cookbooks (shown below), and through the white doorway is a small room, filled with gardening books and places to sit and read!

This was such a delightful little gem of a store - I'm so glad it was recommended during our adventure and that I got a chance to visit!


  1. I love exploring independent bookstores. We always make time to do that on vacations and I also often take a look at their local libraries. This store looks like a lot of fun!

    1. I've been trying to find indie bookstores on our trips, too!

  2. What a quaint little shop! That's just the kind of bookstore that I love to wander through and browse.

  3. Still think that trip is such a wonderful and unique gift. It's a lovely bookstore.

    1. It was a great gift idea - we had so much fun and are looking forward to trying more of them!

  4. A surprise day trip would be fun. I need to look into that company. The bookstore is adorable! I want to go.

    1. It was really neat to have a day planned for us, and opening each envelope and finding out what we would be doing next was so fun. I love that it gave so many options, too!

  5. What an awesome birthday idea! This bookstore is seriously out of a novel. I'd work there happily. It's adorable!

    1. It was, like, the quintessential bookstore!

  6. This sounds like sch a fun gift idea! And how perfect that one of the stops was a bookstore. This indeed looks like such a charming store, I'd love to visit it too one day!

  7. I love the idea of Guess Where trip. How utterly unique! This bookstore is absolutely gorgeous. So glad you enjoyed this trip!

  8. I love finding great bookstores like this.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!