
Friday, May 3, 2024

Fiction/Nonfiction Quick Reviews

Best Served Hot by Amanda Elliot (2023)

After a social media restaurant critic loses out on a newspaper reviewer job, she finds herself working with the man who actually got the job, in an effort to boost both of their online presences.  Although at first Julie is reluctant, she comes to find that she and Bennett have more in common than just a shared love of food.  Although this was a cute premise, ultimately this story was a let-down.  I liked the social media aspects; the author does a good job of incorporating Julie's side gig as a restaurant critic, how she operates, etc.  The descriptions of food were mouth-watering at first, but they got a little overwhelming.  I also enjoyed the relationship between Julie and Alice, a coder who faces a lot of sexism at work.  Unfortunately, a lot didn't work for me.  Julie isn't particularly likable - she's very judgmental and constantly late, which is a big pet peeve of mine.  I felt no chemistry between her and Bennett; her feelings towards him felt very immature.  The author included these little threads of potential storylines that ultimately ended up going nowhere (for example, Julie makes a big deal of pointing out that things at Bennett's apartment all seemed new and unused; he remarks later that he lives in one of his dad's many apartments - ok, but that doesn't really explain it?).  I was expecting some deeper thoughts but the story is disappointingly surface-level.  3 stars 
Stuck in a rut, writer Jessica Pan decided that branching out from her introvert comfort zone and acting like an extrovert for an entire year might be a solution to her problems.  I've wanted to read this book for awhile, and I'm glad I finally did!  I listened to this on audio and I think the author did a great job with the narration (which isn't always the case).  I identify a lot with Jessica - I'm not super comfortable in group settings, small talk can be difficult for me, and being on stage or the center of attention is one of my worst nightmares.  So, I wanted to see if it was possible to learn how to be more extroverted (and actually be comfortable with it).  Jessica sought out experts in various fields to get their advice, which she then put into practice, things like talking to strangers on the bus (and asking them ridiculous questions) and hosting a dinner party.  I think her ability to seek out and talk to these experts was somewhat unrealistic for some of us (I don't think I'd be able to just call a famous comedian) but the intent was good.  And while some of the exercises she took part in are things I would never do (or think are necessary to become an extrovert, like improv or performing stand-up comedy), I did take away some good bits from the book.  I especially enjoyed the chapter on making friends as an adult (because I think we can all agree, it's very difficult!).  I think my biggest takeaway is that sometimes, just putting yourself out there a little bit more can have amazing results.  4 stars

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  1. I read Elliot's debut and it was good. I don't tend to need them to get too deep, but I want a book that is billed as a rom-com to have the romance front and center.

    1. I haven't read anything else by her - maybe I'll have to give her another chance!

  2. I really want to read Sorry I'm Late. I definitely think I'd benefit from this one!

  3. Why is the title of the second book my autobiography? This sounds like an interesting read. I also am not a fan of attention and would rather fade into the background until I can retreat back to a safe place where I can breath again. Wow, maybe I need to read this one.

    1. LOL, right?? Me, too. I did enjoy this one and thought there were some good tips.

  4. Julie being so judgmental probably wouldn't sit well with me and when I don't particularly like the main character it's hard to get invested. That and the lack of chemistry makes me think this is not one for me. The book from Pan sounds like one I would enjoy, though. I could probably use some of her tips.

    1. There were some good takeaways from the Pan book!


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