
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Quick Reviews

 Ewe Complete Me by Susannah Nix (2023)

After a disastrous first date, Chloe and Bran hope to never see each other again - except his mom is Chloe's boss and she's getting married, expecting both of them to attend the wedding weekend.  A road trip and the subsequent weekend bring the two opposites closer, but can their relationship translate to the real world once they get home?  I loved the awkward date that kicks off the book, leaving me to wonder how Chloe and Bran could ever recover from it.  Although it is a very short timeline, it was fun to see how as they got to know each other, a deep understanding formed, despite their differences.  This book was a great example of how opposites attract and complement each other.  I also loved the focus on each of their careers and how they were each at kind of a critical time (mid-twenties, Bran studying to become a lawyer and Chloe wanting to become an artist).  I guess my only issue was the intensity of the relationship because of their young age and wondering how that will sustain for the future.  Also, this book is part of a series - although it is marketed as can be read as a standalone, it might help to understand the side characters by reading their books first, especially since they play such a large role here.  4 stars

Love Me Do by Lindsey Kelk (2023)

While Phoebe is visiting her sister in California, she finds herself acting as a matchmaker for her sister's personal trainer and neighbor - but when she starts to fall for the neighbor herself, she wonders how she can keep up the charade.  Lindsey Kelk's books are always so cheerful, full of fun quirky characters and laugh-out-loud moments.  This book was no exception.  Although there is a bit of darkness in Phoebe's past, she has learned from it and is moving forward.  She and Bel have so many heartwarming moments together as they become friends, and watching her try to help Bel snare Ren was so fun - it was interesting to see how the confident, beautiful Bel was totally flustered by Ren!  An elderly neighbor down the street added some flavor to the story, acting as sort of a mentor for Phoebe.  My big issue with this book was that I just didn't totally feel the eventual romance between Phoebe and Ren.  The connection didn't quite fit for me, maybe because there's so much going on and not a lot of one-on-one time between the two.  So, if you're coming here just for the romance, you might be a bit disappointed!  3.5 stars

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  1. It's hard when you don't feel the connection between the romantic couple. Seems like maybe more of the focus should have been on Phoebe and Ren rather than everything else going on.

    1. Yeah, I wish there had been more to make me believe that they were going to end up together, even though it was obvious!

  2. I love the sound of Ewe Complete Me because I love a romance that starts with a date that initially is disastrous but afterwards they start connecting. It's just so fun!

  3. It's such a bummer to hear the romance didn't entirely work for you with Kelk's novels. Her books are always so funny, but I hate when the romantic relationship doesn't feel real or organic.

    1. Yeah, there was just so much else going on, that I felt like the actual romance took a hit.

  4. I enjoy Kelk's books because, like you said, laugh out loud, etc. I am a little sad that the romance feel flat for you though

    1. Yeah, it was a bummer - I mean, it was a fun book and I enjoyed it, but I wasn't necessarily expecting that.

  5. Ewe Complete Me sounds like fun! I like the idea of Love Me Do, but I'm sad to hear there's not a lot of one-on-one scenes between the characters. That's indeed something I do need in a romance too.

    1. Yeah! I mean, it was obvious where the story was going to end up, but it just didn't totally work for me.


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