
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Diva

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Daisy Goodwin
Expected publication date: January 23, 2024
The story of the scandalous love affair between the most celebrated opera singer of all time and one of the richest men in the world

In the glittering and ruthlessly competitive world of opera, Maria Callas was known simply as la divina: the divine one. With her glorious voice, instinctive flair for the dramatic, and striking beauty, she was the toast of the grandest opera houses in the world. But her fame was hard won: Raised in Nazi-occupied Greece by a mother who mercilessly exploited her golden voice, she learned early in life to protect herself from those who would use her for their own ends.

When she met the fabulously rich Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, for the first time in her life, she believed she’d found someone who saw the woman within the legendary soprano. She fell desperately in love. He introduced her to a life of unbelievable luxury, showering her with jewels and sojourns in the most fashionable international watering holes with celebrities like Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

And then suddenly, it was over. The international press announced that Aristotle Onassis would marry the most famous woman in the world, former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, leaving Maria to pick up the pieces.

In this remarkable novel, Daisy Goodwin brings to life a woman whose extraordinary talent, unremitting drive, and natural chic made her a legend. But it was only in confronting the heartbreak of losing the man she loved that Maria Callas found her true voice and went on to triumph. - from Goodreads



  1. Super intriguing synopsis! I don't think I've ever read about an opera singer but I'd love to read it!

    1. She was so talented and famous in her arena!

  2. I feel a little bad for Maria. Hope this is a winner!

    1. I read another book about her this year, so I'm looking forward to learning more about her. She definitely had a rough time with Onassis!

  3. To have a heartbreak like that AND be so in the public eye must have been devastating- I imagine this is super interesting.

    1. Right? It's so hard to have your private stuff be aired like that.

  4. I am really looking forward to this one! I have enjoyed Daisy Goodwin's novels in the past.

    1. I've had mixed results, but this sounds good!

  5. I love this cover, it just feels so elegant. Hope you'll love this one!


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