
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Henry's Shelves #5


It's been awhile since I shared books from Henry's shelves, but today is the perfect day because it's Henry's second birthday!  I can hardly believe this sweet, funny boy is already two!  I can't say too much because I get so emotional thinking about it; suffice to say, parenting has been a hard, strange journey, but these past two years with Henry have brought us more joy than we could have thought possible.  I'm happy to report, he still loves his books, although he definitely has more opinions than he used to, and we often end up reading the same book many, MANY times.  Here are some of the books we've been enjoying!


Five Little Pumpkins // The Animal Orchestra Plays Mozart

Little Blue Truck's Halloween // Families Belong

Bizzy Bear Pirate Adventure // Peek-a-Who?

I'll Build You a Bookcase // Count to Sleep Trains

Do you have any recommendations for Henry?

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  1. Happy birthday to Henry! Peek-a Who is one of Brooklyn's favorites.

  2. Happy birthday, Henry! I love that he loves books already. So adorable!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! I hope he continues to love them.

  3. Happy Birthday Henry! I cannot believe he's already 2. Where does the time go?

  4. Happy 2nd birthday Henry! How time flies! All of these books look so cute :)

  5. I can't believe he is two already! I hope he had a great birthday. So many of these picture books bring back such great memories. My boys loved Five Little Pumpkins- I still have it memorized from reading it over and over again. We loved the Usborne books, too. You can't go wrong with Little Blue Truck books either. Does he like the touchy-feely Usborne books or the ones with the flaps? My boys loved those around the age of two - once they stopped tearing the flaps. haha.

    1. Thank you, Christina! He had a fun day. I love the Little Blue Truck books. He does enjoy books with flaps, although yeah, we do have to be careful about tearing them! The Mozart book actually plays music, and he really loved that!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!