
Friday, July 21, 2023

Little Free Library Sightings: Prolonging The Nap Edition

It's always fun to see a Little Free Library "out in the wild!"  I love to spot them, browse their selection, leave a book if possible, and then look them up on the official website, because sometimes they have great stories to go along with them!  There's also an app you can download to find local Little Free Libraries - you can even "check in" to keep track of the ones you've visited.  Recently, we were driving out to my dad's house, and our trek fell during Henry's nap time - in order to make the drive last longer and let him get a good nap in, I decided to map out a few LFLs and make some stops not too far from our route.  Here are the ones I came across!

#145786 (Jennifer's Little Library) - According to the website, this owner loves books and loves sharing them with others.  They offer a mix of children's and adult books.  I left a book and grabbed a book by Jenny Colgan, an author I've been wanting to try for awhile!
#130894 - How cute is this Little Free Library?!  It's located in a very upscale neighborhood and offered a good selection of YA books.  I left a book but didn't take any.
#60225 - A local Girl Scout built and donated this library as part of her Silver Award project, and they encourage anyone who needs books to check it out!  I initially drove right by this one; I thought it was on the grounds of a Jewish temple, so I drove around the parking lot for a little, thinking it was closer to the building.  Then, as I was leaving, I saw it out on the street, beyond the fence.  I have to admit, getting to it was a little dicey - it's on kind of a major road and there is no good place to park.  I just pulled off as far as I could.  I left a book but didn't take any.  It was well-stocked, though, with lots of big name authors!
#105892 - This LFL is located a beautiful, quiet neighborhood.  It had an amazing selection of children's books, so I grabbed a Biscuit the dog book and a book by Sandra Boynton for Henry!  I left a book, too.


  1. This is definitely such a fun activity to prolong naptime! :) The second one looks so nice and colourful!

  2. I love seeing how much the LFL's vary. Some are basic and some are decorated. Some get quite elaborate!

    1. I know! I love seeing all the super creative ones.

  3. These free libraries are so darn cute! Yet again reminds me to visit the one closest to me soon. ^_^

  4. You sort of highlighted one of the big criticisms of LFLs - being in an upscale neighborhood. I love the idea of them, but I question the location vs. need. You know?

    1. I totally get it! It does make me wonder where they are generally located - I've only visited ones in close proximity to me, which happen to be in more upscale towns.

  5. I love how pretty all of these are and I think this was such a perfect way to get Henry to nap a little longer.

    1. Thank you! We both got something out of it!

  6. What a wonderful idea to look for LFLs and write about them. I sponsored the 2nd LFL in El Paso, Texas and one of the first ones in the whole state of Texas. It was made out of a cranberry crate. Not fancy at all and not weatherproof so I kept it right inside my elementary school library door. I have been retired now for almost 10 years. Not sure if that LFL is still in commission or not. There is a very nice one in the subdivision up the street. But I would like to put one either in my yard or in the park down the street. Maybe I will look into it. Thank you so much for sharing these.

    1. Thank you and you're so welcome! I love that you started a LFL! It would be fun to visit it, to at least see if it's still there. I've often thought about starting my own, too!

  7. What a clever way to prolong nap time. Glad you found some good books too :)

    1. Thank you, Lucy! We've found some real gems lately.


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