
Friday, July 14, 2023

Guest Blogger: My Favorite Audiobooks #1

 Michele is back today to talk about audiobooks!

Up until a few years ago, I had never even considered audiobooks as a way to increase my reading – but then my husband started working for a major audiobook publisher and I got hooked! Now I listen to them all the time – getting ready in the morning, in the car, exercising, at my daughter’s swim lessons, you name it. Audiobooks are fantastic for when you can’t physically hold a book and I have listened to some really fantastic performances. Here are some of my recent faves:

Cara Bastone – Love Lines series and Love at First Psych. These books are all audio originals, so they are written specifically for that medium. They are quick and fun and have full casts.


Cat Sebastian – Page & Sommers series and The Queer Principles of Kit Webb. Entertaining historicals with the fantastic Joel Leslie narrating.

Randall Munroe – What If series and How to. Narrated by the fantastic Wil Wheaton, these are fun, quick reads for those of us who are science nerds at heart.

Do you listen to audiobooks? Do you have any favorites?


  1. I haven't listened to audiobooks in awhile (it was just taking me too long to get through them), but I love a full cast recording. The Munroe books sound really good, too - nonfiction was something I enjoyed on audio.

    1. The munroe books were fun and something me and James could listen to together!

  2. I love audiobooks! I always have one going and currently I'm rereading the ACOTAR series that way.

  3. I haven't listened to any of the one's you've shared, but I'm definitely a fan of audiobooks! I love listening on my commute or while I'm getting ready in the mornings.

    1. Sometimes it makes me sad that my commute is so short, not enough listening time!

  4. I didn't listen to those Bastone books, but I read a few. She has a series that was great too -- Forever Yours

    1. She has some new stuff coming next year that I'm excited about!

  5. I love audiobooks! I've been seeing the Cara Bastone series around and they always sound so fun, I definitely need to try one soon.

  6. I've become pretty obsessed with audiobooks this past year, especially for older titles that I've been putting off forever. I've been using them to finally get through the Outlander series and it has been a fantastic listening experience.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!