
Monday, April 3, 2023

Month in Review: March 2023

Is it sad that I can't even remember what happened this month?  It was fairly quiet, that's all I know!  While the accountants are busy with tax season, this time of year is pretty light for me at work. I was asked to help out with some administrative tasks, so that's been filling some of my time.  I took advantage of my light work schedule to get some doctor appointments done for Henry and me.  My in-laws came over for a St. Patrick's Day dinner and Henry basically threw a tantrum the whole time they were here, so I guess they won't be nominating me for any Mother of the Year awards any time soon!   I think the "terrible twos" is a complete misnomer and actually starts way earlier, but 16 months?  I wasn't ready for this.  Haha, but really, Henry is very sweet and loves to smile and giggle - he just has his difficult moments, like every child!  The weather is starting to warm up, so we try to go for walks when we can - Henry loves the swings at the park down the street from our house!

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  1. Looks like March had some great books for you. Any favorites?

    1. Lucy on the Wild Side and Upgrade were probably my favorites of the month, but overall it was a pretty great reading month!

  2. My month was pretty quiet too! I couldn't remember much that happened lol I still need to file my taxes...oops! I usually get it done much earlier in the year but I keep forgetting. Need to get on that one!

    For me, the 2 year old range was easier...its the THREEs that is hard for me. The defiance from my son now is crazy lol

    Hope you have a good April!

    1. Haha, my sister is a CPA, so I'm lucky enough that she does them for me very early!

      Oh, no, don't tell me that!!

  3. Sometimes a quiet month can be nice though :) Yay for the weather getting warmer, it's indeed nice to be able to go outside more often. Hope you'll have a good April!

    1. Yes, it was definitely nice to have time to get some things done.

  4. Maybe Henry wasn't feeling St. Pat's day. We all have our moments. I didn't do much in March either, but quiet is good too.

    1. Yes, quiet is good! Haha, maybe Henry will enjoy his corned beef and cabbage more next year!

  5. Based only on the cover, Kerry's book interests me! That's one I'll have to read up on to discover if it'd be one I'd enjoy. :)


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