
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Month in Review - February 2023


February was a short month, but a lot happened!  Readers, we have a walker!  Henry had his last physical therapy session and during it took some short, unassisted steps!  Since then, he's been gaining confidence and taking longer walks around the house.  He's doing so great and it's so exciting!  Now I just have to figure out how to get him to wear shoes...

Unfortunately, we caught the stomach bug that's been going around; thankfully, only Tom and I got it, but it was not a fun weekend.  My boys spoiled me on Valentine's Day and I'm trying to make my candy last as long as possible!  My dad and stepmom came over to watch Henry while Tom and I went to a movie and lunch one Saturday.  We saw Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania - while not the best Marvel offering, it'll be interesting to see how this kicks off the next phase of movies and tv shows.

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

How are you doing?

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  1. Now the fun begins! They have such great safety stuff now though. Have fun chasing Henry.

  2. Oh boy! He is walking! It's all over now. haha. You'll sit again when he is about three and a half. haha. Enjoy this fun time though - it goes by so fast! I am glad you had a nice Valentine's Day, but that stomach bug that is going around is scaring me! Yikes! So many people have had it. I'm glad your little man didn't catch it. I look forward to your thoughts on all the books, especially Gilt.

    1. Haha, I know! His favorite thing is to make a beeline for the stairs, so that'll be the next thing we have to figure out!

  3. That's so exciting about Henry and his first steps! I'm so happy to hear it! Sorry you were both sick, that sounds terrible. :( That cover for Ignite is so gorgeous! Hope you have a great March!

    1. Thank you, Jordan! I was worried he was a little behind, but he's right on track. Being sick was not fun, but at least it was only a couple of day!

  4. That is fantastic news about Henry! And how lucky only you and Tom got the stomach bug, but at the same time sucky as well. Hopefully, you guys are all clear and doing much better!

    1. Yes, I'd rather be sick than Henry! We were only down and out for a couple days, thankfully!

  5. Yay, Henry! Haha, he's about to get into all your stuff. I'm glad you had a good Valentine's Day. Happy March!

    1. LOL, he's already into everything! We need to get gates.

  6. Go Henry! Real shenanigans can start now with the walking. May the odds be ever in your favorite!

    1. LOL, thanks, Stephanie! Keep us in your thoughts, hahaha!

  7. Yay, Henry! Another big milestone accomplished!

  8. Awesome! You'll be chasing after him all the time now (:

    Interested to read your thoughts on My Contrary Mary. Hope you have a wonderful March!

    1. Haha, yes, he is constantly making a beeline for the stairs!

  9. Congrats to Henry for walking!
    Sorry to hear you got sick, hope you're both feeling better by now!

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! Yes, thankfully we were only sick for a weekend and are doing better now!


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