
Friday, March 17, 2023

Henry's Shelves #4


My little bookworm continues to love his stories!  I've been choosing a theme for each month and grabbing a good mix of library books and things from our own shelves.  I keep all of our monthly reads in a bin by our comfy reading chair, and Henry definitely lets me know which ones are his favorites!  Here are some of the ones we've enjoyed over the last few months.




Have you read any of these?

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  1. So cute as always! 😍 Are you planning on getting him any easter books from the library soon? They're already starting to go at mine, I noticed 🐣🐰

    1. Yes, probably this week I'll start requesting some! We missed out on some Valentine's books in February because they were all checked out.

  2. Awww, such a cutie. I love that he's becoming such a little bookworm.

    1. Me, too! It's such a fun activity for us to share right now.

  3. How adorable is Henry?! Also, you are such goals! Themed reading for the littles is so much fun. I have recently discovered the Mr. Boddington books and they are great for adults, too! ;)

    1. Aww, thank you! The Boddington books are so quirky and fun!

  4. Aww, Henry is so adorable, and it's so cute how he's already a little bookworm :)

  5. It's great that he's a little bookworm. Brooklyn has a zillion books but just wants to read the same ones over and over.

    1. Haha, Henry is the same way! There are definitely books we have to read every day (Gotta Go, Buffalo is one of them!).


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!