
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Audrey Hepburn Estate

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Brenda Janowitz
Expected publication date: April 18, 2023
When Emma Jansen discovers that the grand Long Island estate where she grew up is set to be demolished, she can't help but return for one last visit. After all, it was a place filled with firsts: learning to ride a bike, sneaking a glass of champagne, falling in love.

But once Emma arrives at the storied mansion, she can't ignore the more complicated memories. Because that's not exactly where Emma grew up. Her mother and father worked for the family that owned the estate, and they lived over the garage like Audrey Hepburn's character in the film Sabrina. Emma never felt fully accepted, except by the family's grandson, Henry—a former love—and by the driver’s son, Leo—her best friend.

As plans for the property are put into motion and the three are together for the first time in over a decade, Emma finds herself caught between two worlds and two loves. And when the house reveals a shattering secret about her own family, she’ll have to decide what kind of life she really wants for herself now and who she wants to be in it. - from Goodreads


  1. Love the Audrey Hepburn tie-in. This sounds like a good one!

  2. I am looking forward to this one too. Fingers crossed it lives up to our expectations

  3. I got such Sabrina vibes when I started reading this blurb, and as it turns out for good reason <3 I can't help but feel like whatever happens, if I read this, it'd be bittersweet -- it feels like I'd like all these characters and would want them to be happy -- and not everyone would be by the end of this.

    1. I do hope that Emma finds happiness, though!

  4. I am really loving the sound of this story. It's a totally new book to me and I also have never read the author so I'm definitely intrigued now!


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