
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

2022 Reading & Blogging Goals: Mid-Year Check-In

It's hard to believe that 2022 is already half over, but it's a great time to check in on the reading and blogging goals I set at the beginning of the year.

  1. Read Little Women.  I did it!  It took me a month and a half to read it, but I finally read Little Women!
  2. Read 52 books.  At the time I'm writing this post, I've read 50 books, so I'm actually almost done with this goal.  I figured I would maybe get to a book a week, so I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I've been able to read.
  3. Don't be so rigid about a blogging schedule.  I think I've been pretty good with this.  I've mainly been able to stick to my normal schedule, but I'm not pushing myself to fill in empty days like I used to.  I also haven't always been posting reviews every week and sometimes my "Friday reviews" don't show up until Monday, but that's ok!  I don't necessarily want to review every book I read on the blog, so because I'm reading less, there are fewer reviews.
  4. Continue growing my Instagram account.  I've gotten a lot of new followers, but my engagement doesn't seem to be growing, and I blame the algorithm, LOL!  I don't do reels, so I feel like the platform doesn't "promote" my posts very well to my followers.  But, I still have fun taking and sharing photos, so I'll continue with it for now.
  5. Reread from my own collection with the intention of pruning my shelves.  So far I've attempted 6 rereads - of those, I DNFed two of them and I will be donating five.
  6. Keep track of how much I'm spending on books.  I've adding a line item to my budget spreadsheet for this, so I've been tracking my book spending, although I'm not going to say how much I've spent!  I'm counting books I buy for Henry, too, and admittedly I go a little overboard when it comes to him.  I need to rein it in until his birthday/Christmas.

 How are you doing on your goals?


  1. You're doing so well with your goals, especially reading 50 books already with a new baby! The instagram algorithm really is obnoxious. I'm terrible at reels but started noticing a lot more engagement once I started making them. That said, there's also no rhyme or reason I can find as to which reels take off and which ones bomb. Sometimes I'll spend half an hour making one and it will get 1,000 views but then I'll spend 30 seconds on another one and it will randomly get 50,000 views.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I really just don't get reels at all and don't want to spend the time to learn, LOL! Unfortunately, that seems to be the direction the platform is moving in.

  2. Great job with your goals! I'm also tracking my bookish spending this year. Between me and Brooklyn, it's . . . a lot.

    1. Thanks, Aj! Haha, I know, it adds up so fast!

  3. It looks like you're doing great on your goals so far!
    I'm on track with my reading goal, but unfortunately I'm falling behind on literally everything else!

    1. Thanks, Laura! Good luck with your goals!

  4. I've been a little more relaxed about my schedule this year too. It's nice! And I really need to work on my Instagram- it's been a while lol!

    1. It IS nice to not be pushing myself to post all the time!

  5. You're doing very well on your goals so far! I hope you enjoyed Little Women.

    I need to do the opposite - be more focused on getting reviews and posts done. And yes, Instagram really doesn't care about you if you aren't doing reels. Which I am not. I don't have time!

    1. Yes, sometimes it can be hard to sit down and write reviews, which is partly why I'm not pushing myself and just doing it when I can.

  6. Looks like you're doing great on your goals so far! 50 books read is amazing! I'm also trying to be less rigid about my blogging schedule, and it really helps with the blogging stress :)

    1. Yes, blogging is supposed to be a fun hobby - I don't want to stress!

  7. You are doing awesome. 50/52 with a new baby - you're a star. So, you reread books and decided you no longer liked them? I feel you did a post about it, but my brain is a sieve.

    1. Aww, thanks, Sam! Yes, I'm trying to create some more room on my bookshelves by only keeping those books I absolutely love. I find that sometimes my opinion changes about a book upon reread, especially if it's been a few years, so if I don't still love a book, I'm donating it.

  8. You're doing wonderful with these goals! Growing your IG following is so hard. I am always struggling with that. I feel like you have to post constantly in order for your numbers to go up, but it's a lot of work and I don't always have time for it. Hope you continue to do well with all these!

    1. Thanks, Alicia! IG can be so tricky. I feel like I do post a lot, so it's a little frustrating!

  9. Your making so much progress!

  10. I'd say you're slaying your goals! I don't set a book budget but I honestly don't buy that many books. I use Overdrive and read from my own shelves a lot.

    1. Thanks, Tanya! I do use my library quite often, but still find myself buying the occasional book or two!

  11. I am trying to slow down my blogging schedule, too......definitely over my vacation! I agree regarding Instagram. Something has changed in the past few months and I don't get as much likes or followers. I really enjoy your photos though! Keep crushing your goals- I think you are doing a great job!

  12. You seem to be doing great!
    I've been reading a lot more from my TBRs, which was my main goal

    1. Thanks, Emma! That's great about your TBRs!

  13. Well done on your goals!!

    After taking a break earlier this year due to moving, I've decided not to be rigid about my schedule either. It's less stressful that way -- and if I miss a week, or a post, I miss it.

  14. Sounds like you're doing great with your goals! Growing social media is a hard one because it's sort of beyond your control, you know? And social media algorithms are a pain!


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