
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: My Spring TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is our spring TBR.  I managed to read the six books I chose for my winter TBR, so I'm happy about that.  Honestly, this quarter's TBR is filled with books I chose almost completely at random.  My reading is in a weird (but good) place lately (which I might talk about in a discussion post soon...), and I'm just trying to keep things fun and easy for myself!

What will you be reading this spring?


  1. All That Really Matters looks really Spring-y and good! I make it a thing to add books I don't know to my TBR when I see them on other blogs, so I'm adding it!

  2. I hope you enjoy them! I need to read Velvet Was The Night too.

  3. The Devil and the Heiress looks so good! And that cover! 😍

  4. I'm trying to get my reading back into some semblance of being on track ha!

  5. I added For Your Own Good to my Wish To Read List just now. Enjoy them all!

  6. I bought The Highland Games and really need to make time for it. It sounds like a great time to me.

  7. Some good ones on there! Happy spring reading!

  8. Ohhh The Devil and the Heiress is gorgeous!

    1. I know, I am obsessed with the covers in this series!

  9. I really enjoyed Velvet Was the Night. I hope you enjoy all these!

  10. I enjoyed The Magnolia Palace and The Gilded Age Heiresses series is such a good escape. I have heard good things about Highland Games--look forward to your thoughts on that one!

  11. Really need to read some of Nicole's more recent releases since I loved Before I Called You Mine. Happy reading, Angela! Hope you enjoy all of these. :)


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!