
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Something Wilder

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Christina Lauren
Expected publication date: May 17, 2022
Growing up the daughter of notorious treasure hunter and absentee father Duke Wilder left Lily without much patience for the profession…or much money in the bank. But Lily is nothing if not resourceful, and now uses Duke’s coveted hand-drawn maps to guide tourists on fake treasure hunts through the red rock canyons of Utah. It pays the bills but doesn’t leave enough to fulfill her dream of buying back the beloved ranch her father sold years ago, and definitely not enough to deal with the sight of the man she once loved walking back into her life with a motley crew of friends ready to hit the trails. Frankly, Lily would like to take him out into the wilderness—and leave him there.

Leo Grady knew mirages were a thing in the desert, but they’d barely left civilization when the silhouette of his greatest regret comes into focus in the flickering light of the campfire. Ready to leave the past behind him, Leo wants nothing more than to reconnect with his first and only love. Unfortunately, Lily Wilder is all business, drawing a clear line in the sand: it’s never going to happen.

But when the trip goes horribly and hilariously wrong, the group wonders if maybe the legend of the hidden treasure wasn’t a gimmick after all. There’s a chance to right the wrongs—of Duke’s past and their own—but only if Leo and Lily can confront their history and work together. Alone under the stars in the isolated and dangerous mazes of the Canyonlands, Leo and Lily must decide whether they’ll risk their lives and hearts on the adventure of a lifetime. - from Goodreads

I always look forward to a new release from this writing duo!


  1. So excited for this one! I preordered it for us...

  2. It's been way too long since I read a book by these authors but I am loving the sound of this one. It's definitely going on my TBR! 😍

  3. I've been a bit on the fence with the last couple CLo books I've read so I have high hopes for this one!

  4. I still haven't read a Christina Lauren novel, but they are on my romance author list I must get to. Hope this ends up being a good one!

  5. This sounds fun and a great setting!

  6. This one sounds so good. Can't wait to meet Leo and Lily.

  7. I got rejected for this, but I will read it. I already placed my hold at the eLibrary. CLo always delight me.

  8. Oh hello, this looks lik such a wonderful fun contemporary romance!


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