
Monday, February 14, 2022

Guest Blogger: New-To-Me Author January

A few weeks ago, I shared the new-to-me authors I read in 2021.  Today, my sister Michele is back on the blog to share the new-to-her authors she read in January!

I decided to start off 2022 reading some new-to-me authors. My thought was this could be a good challenge to start a new year and also to clear some authors and books that had been accumulating on my TBR! I did have a few DNFs (which I won’t share here) but overall, I enjoyed most and now have some new authors to stalk follow!

Julie Olivia – In Too Deep

Meghan Quinn – That Second Chance

India Holton – The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels

Jacob Chance – Honeymoon Hitman

Evie Alexander – Highland Games

Willa Nash – The Bribe

Jenny Bunting – Fool’s Gold

Kylie Scott – Repeat

SL Scott – Head Over Feels

Ashley Winstead – In My Dreams I Hold a Knife

Elsie Silver – Off to the Races

Catherine Cowles – Beautifully Broken Pieces

Have you read any of these authors? Or have you read any new to you authors lately?


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  1. The only author I've read is Kylie Scott but I stopped being a fan of hers when she was really rude to a friend of mine on Facebook who was also a fan of hers. It's too bad because I used to love her books. :(

    1. That is a shame. I'll be honest, hers was one of my least favorite I read last month.

  2. I have seen lots of love for Meghan Quinn and I should really give her a try! :)

    1. She is really popular, I hear a lot of people talk about her!

  3. The only author I've read from your list so far is Meghan Quinn and she was new-to-me last year. Several of these are on my list of authors to try though. :)

    1. That's great! I hope you have good luck with them!

  4. I just recently read Meghan Quinn for the first time, and there are a few more up there I'm definitely going to look into further!

  5. I love seeing Meghan Quinn included as she's one of my favorites. (And That Second Chance was one of my favorite from the series.) And Catherine Cowles is a fairly new discovery for me and I love what I've read so far!

    1. Yes, definitely looking forward to reading Catherine Cowles' new series!

  6. I have read Willa Nash as Devey Perry, but I need to check out the Willa Nash books. I love Quinn. Always a good time when I read a Quinn book, and that series is my favorite!

    1. I've read Devney Perry so the Willa Nash was a little bit of a cheat, but I really pretty much enjoy anything she writes.

  7. The Wisteria Society looks great!!!!

    1. It was incredible! I know it will be one of the best books I read in 2022!

  8. In My Dreams I Hold a Knife sounds intense! I see many romance titles and ironically, for me anyway, the dreamy covers like Beautifully Broken Pieces is sexier than the bare chested The Bribe. Enjoy all your reading.

    1. Thank you! Yes, that it was originally drew me to Catherine Cowles - her covers are amazing.

  9. I love the cover of Wisteria Society. I haven't read that one, but have seen that book around. I have a friend that recommended Highland Games. It seems like a fun read!

    1. I agree, I love the cover as well! And it was SO good. Really very funny and smart and whimsical, I highly recommend.

  10. These are all new to me, but Meghan Quinn has been on my list of authors to try for a while.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!