
Monday, December 20, 2021

Year-End Wrap-Up: 2021 Resolutions

It's hard to believe, but this year is just about over!  Time to take a look back at the reading and blogging goals I set way back in January and see how I did!

  1. Bring back my Try It series. So I only managed two new editions of the Try It series, but hey, I think that counts as a pass!  I tried Nordic Noir and dark romance this year.
  2. Read one book from my shelf of unread physical books per monthPass!  There were even months I read as many as three books from my unread shelf.  I really was able to move a lot of books from this shelf and there's currently only a couple left.  It'll be nice to start 2022 with a (mostly!) clean slate.
  3. Keep growing my Instagram account.  My Instagram account has grown over 45% since the beginning of the year!  I'm enjoying participating in photo challenges and sharing what I'm reading on a more current basis than my monthly recaps here allow.
  4. Host a giveaway. Pass!  I hosted a giveaway for my 5th blogoversary in April.  Thank you to everyone who participated!
  5. Attend at least 2 bookish events.  I attended a virtual book event hosted by the Morristown Festival of Books with VE Schwab back in February, which was really fun.  I also watched an Amazon Live with Penny Reid, during which she gave a sneak peak of the covers of her upcoming novels!
  6. Do more to promote books/authors I love.  This was kind of an amorphous goal, but basically what it boiled down to was that I wanted to be more involved in the bookish community.  I've participated in a few blog tours this year with TLC Book Tours, and I've also signed up to be a part of the blogging communities for Smartypants Romance and author Staci Hart. It was really fun being involved in Staci Hart's releases and helping promote the spring and fall Smartypants Romance launches!
I'm really proud that I was able to accomplish my goals this year, especially considering that my reading slowed down for quite a bit while I was pregnant (and will probably be down for awhile while Henry is so young), and I'm looking forward to seeing what next year brings!

How did you do on your reading/blogging goals this year?


  1. I can't believe we're at the end of the year. Seems so unreal!

  2. I just saw that today is the 20th and I'm like... wow. Congrats on your goals! I think I'd like Nordic Noir too...

    1. Thanks, Greg! I think Nordic Noir would be right up your alley!

  3. You did really well, and you killed the shelf challenge. *applause, applause*

  4. Looks like you did an amazing job with your resolutions, congrats! I really can't believe the year is already just about over. :O

  5. Very impressive, especially clearing your unread books and on growing your Instagram account. Congrats!

  6. I always *think* I should set some goals but then I also remind myself how depressed I'd be at the end of the year if I don't accomplish them. :D Maybe I should try it though because I'd LOVE to clear some of my unread books. Congrats on ALL of your goals, Angela! That's awesome.

    1. Thanks so much, Rissi! Haha, understandable, I try to set really manageable goals!

  7. You set some awesome goals! I love your #2 goal. I have been horrible at following through with that goal in the past. I am really hoping this year I can read more of the books that are accumulating dust on my shelves!

    1. Thanks, Christina! Since I tend to share a lot of my books, that was a good motivator in getting those unread books finally read, so I can pass them along to someone else who might enjoy them!

  8. Great job accomplishing your goals. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday!

  9. You have accomplished so much! I keep meaning to resurrect my Insta, but the task seems overwhelming to me. I hope that 2022 is just as fantastic for you! :)

  10. I don't really set bookish goals but for some reason I love reading about everyone else's. LOL I can relate to #2, though, but I actively try to read from my own shelves as much as possible.

    1. I think so many of us bookworms have too many unread books (as if that's a bad thing!), so it's always funny to see how many of us make that a goal for ourselves!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!