
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: My Winter TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is our winter TBR.  With a newborn at home, I don't know how much reading time I'm going to be getting, so I'm keeping my TBR small and mostly taking advantage of my Kindle Unlimited subscription and books I already own!


What's on your TBR?


  1. The Heiress Gets a Duke is a new one to me but it looks and sounds so good. The cover and synopsis are perfect! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This looks like a great TBR, hope you'll enjoy them all! I'm really hoping to finally read the Bromance books next year myself :)

  3. I hardcore loved Until it Fades. Objectively, I can tell you there's nothing particularly unique about the story, but I just loved those characters and was so invested.

    1. Aww, I'm glad to hear you loved this one, Tanya!

  4. I've seen lots of people praise Isn't It Bromantic? Enjoy all these if you are able to get to them. Crossing my fingers for you that your little one ends up being a good sleeper.

  5. Looks like a nice mix. I hope you enjoy them!

  6. I loved Fling, Bromance, and Party Crasher. I hope there are lots of winners there for you.

  7. This looks like a fantastic TBR for winter! I hope you enjoy them. :)

  8. I used to read a lot by holding my babies in one arm and my book in the other hand. LOL. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Haha, yes, Susan! I'm already finding that the Kindle is good for one-handed reading!

  9. I loved Isn't It Bromantic? and The Party Crasher, and I really want to read the Quinn and Tucker books. I hope all of these are great reads for you.

  10. All of these books have great typography.
    Have fun reading these!

  11. I hope you're able to read all these! I can tell you from experience that children REALLY suck up a lot of your reading time.

    1. Thanks, Aj! I have been able to get some reading time in, but it seems like the hours of the day just go by so fast!

  12. Hope if you read some of these that you enjoy them, Angela! Sophie's books always sound fun but I actually have never read anything by her. Someday. :) Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week.

    1. Her books are so fun, I hope you love them when you do get a chance to read them!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!