
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Books of 2021

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is the best books we read in 2021.  With all the romance reading I did this year, it's not surprising that the genre dominates my list of favorites, but there's also historical fiction and even a nonfiction book on this list!

Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon
The Last Train to Key West by Chanel Cleeton
Like You Love Me by Adriana Locke
Get Lucky by Lila Monroe
Fool Me Once (now Champagne Problems) by Staci Hart
Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan
Save Me The Plums by Ruth Reichl
Street Smart by Aly Stiles

What made your best of 2021 list?

* This post contains affiliate links; I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases, at no cost to you.


  1. Great list, Angela! I hope to read more Taylor Jenkins Reid and finally start reading Chanel Cleeton 🥰

  2. Great list! So may of these are on my TBR, so I'm glad to hear you loved them! Malibu Rising is a 2021 release I still need to get to and I want to start the Chanel Cleeton books, as well as read Today Tonight Tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! I hope you love all of them!

  3. I'm happy to see Malibu Rising on this list. I'll get a chance to read it someday.

  4. Malibu Rising made my list today, too! Such a great book! I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. Happy 2022!

    1. I know, I'm always so excited when she has a new release!

  5. Seriously, you and I should be spokespersons for Wardrobe. Our love for it is more than enough. Today Tonight Tomorrow may be my favorite RLS book. She showed she could write a bit lighter story with that one, and I am always here for that.

    1. Yes, agreed! I've definitely been talking it up a lot recently!

  6. That's fun that there were a couple surprising genres on your list. But romance is great! Some of these have such cute covers.

  7. I really meant to read ONCE UPON A WARDROBE this year, but I just don't think it's going to happen. Next year for sure! Glad you enjoyed it and all these others.

    Happy TTT!

  8. I hear great things about Manor for Sale and Once Upon a Wardrobe -- they're on my TBR list!

  9. I'm excited to see that Once Upon a Wardrobe made your list of favorites since that's one of the books I got for Christmas. :)

  10. I haven't read any of these, but they give off happy vibes. I hope they brought you joy. Happy New Year, Angela!

  11. That Taylor Jenkins Reid book looks good, and so does the Narnia one. I've been intrigued by that one and the CS Lewis angle.

  12. Love seeing Malibu Rising included! I'm sure it will be on my best of '21 list, too!

  13. Always have to love a solid romance read! Or at least I do. :) Glad you discovered some new favorites in 2021.

    1. Thanks! Romance has been such a comfort genre for me this year.

  14. A great list! Happy New Year to you and yours!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  15. I also read and enjoyed Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Glad you had fun reading these books in 2021!!

    My TTT list.

  16. I have seen Malibu Rising everywhere and it is giving me some FOMO! I need to give it a try soon! :)

  17. I still need to read Malibu Rising!

    Lauren @

  18. I have heard nothing but great things about Malibu Rising, I really need to check it out. I've been curious about Once Upon a Wardrobe, as well! Glad you had so many great reads this year!

    1. Thanks, Jordan! I think you'll really love Once Upon a Wardrobe!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!