
Monday, November 1, 2021

Nonfiction November 2021: My Year in Nonfiction

Welcome to Nonfiction November, a month-long celebration of all things nonfiction!  This is my 5th (!) year participating in this event, and I'm really excited to get started!  Week 1, hosted by Rennie at What's Nonfiction?, is a look back at our year in nonfiction.  

My nonfiction reading has actually been pretty low this year; since the pandemic started, I've been reading a lot more romance (light and fluffy with a guaranteed happy ending!).  However, I've managed to read 10 nonfiction books and the majority have been great!  My favorites have been:

As always, what I hope to get out of Nonfiction November is more titles to add to my TBR!  I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting books.  My tentative TBR for the month includes the following:

 What's been your favorite nonfiction book of 2021?

* This post contains affiliate links; I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you.


  1. Hope you have fun with Nonfiction November! One of my goals this year was to read more nonfiction, specifically one a month. I just looked and I've only done 6 so far. From what I have read though, I think Barack Obama's latest book was probably my favorite, just because he's so eloquent.

    1. I've definitely read less than previous years!

      I haven't read his book yet!

  2. Thanks for sharing your favorites and a list of the books you hope to read. I'm always on the lookout for great nonfiction and I've added a couple of books from your lists to mine.

    1. You are so welcome, Deb! I hope you love them!

  3. Good luck with your TBR! My TBR tends to explode every November because I discover so many interesting nonfiction books. I think I need to do a nonfiction year instead of a nonfiction month.

    1. Thanks, Aj! Haha, mine, too! I added so many last year during this event and I haven't really gotten to any of them!

  4. Oo I loved Wide Open World!!

    Kicking Ass in a Corset sounds fantastic.

    1. I'm pretty sure I got that rec from you last year!

  5. Team of Five sounds good. I just downloaded it from my library.

  6. If it makes you feel better, you read more non-fiction than I did.

  7. Save Me The Plums shows up every year on someone's list! Hope you love it!

    1. Thanks, Jaymi! I definitely got the rec during one Nonfiction November!

  8. Save Me the Plums was wonderful. Though in fairness I have loved all Reichel's books.

  9. I never read non-fiction or VERY rarely. I think I've read a couple devotional style books over the years, and I vaguely remember that I read the "Let's Roll" as well as Shawn Johnson's biography (both years ago). Beyond that, I don't know that I've read any. There's probably some interesting ones out there, I just prefer my fiction. :)

    1. Understandable! My sister is not really into nonfiction, either!

  10. I have been so bad at reading non fiction lately! I used to love to read the occasional biography.

    Team Five I bet is fascinating.

  11. Kicking Ass in a Corset sounds fun. I read and recommend another JA book this year: What Matters in Jane Austen? by John Mullan. Happy NonFicNov!

  12. I love seeing what everyone's reading for Nonfiction November! Epic Solitude looks really good. Hope you enjoy whichever books you end up reading! :)

  13. I think a lot of readers have been affected similarly by the pandemic. I like the look of Frontier Follies.

    1. It was a fun read - Ree Drummond is such a sweetheart!

  14. I think 10 nonfiction books this year is great! Probably nine more than I've read. lol Team of Five looks so interesting.

  15. Hope you'll have a lot of fun for Nonfiction November! I always make a goal for myself every year to read more nonfiction and this year I've failed epically with 0 books read so far... maybe seeing all the posts this month will inspire me though!

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! I definitely have to be in the mood for nonfiction.

  16. Wow!! You have inspired me to get reading more non-fiction! I have been sticking to the lighter reads these days myself. I do hope that you love the books you have chosen.

  17. Save Me the Plums is on my TBR list for this challenge, too! I've got it on audio and am eager to start listening.

  18. I read Save Me the Plums earlier this year and really enjoyed it!!

  19. Five Days in November looks like a great read! Good luck with your TBR list... I enjoyed the audio of Save Me the Plums and have Team of Five on my wish list.

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! Team of Five was a fantastic read, I hope you enjoy it!

  20. Epic Solitude sounds good!
    My post is here:

  21. I've been doing kind of the same thing this year: lots and lots of romance. Thankfully there's always room for nonfiction! I hope you enjoy Save Me the Plums. It's one of my favorites.

  22. I absolutely loved Save Me the Plums! Hope you're already getting lots of great recommendations :)


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