
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Places to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is our favorite places to read!  I could probably read practically anywhere, but there are a few places that stand out!

  1. My living room couch is probably the place I do most of my reading, sometimes while my husband is playing video games, sometimes late at night with the tv on as background noise.
  2. The comfy reading chair in my office/library.  It's right in front of the window, so it gets great light.
  3. On our back patio.  We have a cute little setup with Adirondack chairs and a small table, so when the weather is nice and the chairs are in the shade, it's a great place to read with a nice view of the backyard.
  4. In bed.  I've embraced using my Kindle so I can comfortably read in bed and not bother my sleeping hubby.
  5. When I was in college, I spent many Friday nights reading and lounging on the couches in the student center.  Yep, I was THAT kid.
  6. I also loved reading in the campus library.  It was so quiet, and there were tons of little nooks and crannies to hide and read in.
  7. On vacation.  It really doesn't matter where we go, there's just something so satisfying about being able to read and knowing you don't have any other responsibilities to get in the way.  
Where are some of your favorite places to read?



  1. When it comes to physical books and ebooks: Bed or couch. Audiobooks: literally everywhere 😂

    1. Yes, that is a definite advantage to audiobooks!

  2. I have a chair in my room where I mostly read, but will hit up my patio when the weather is nice.

  3. My couch is my go-to reading spot. A couple of the chair in the sofa recline so I push the button, stretch out, and get comfy and read. Heavenly! :) And reading on vacation is the best.

  4. I'm at my most comfortable reading in bed. I can sometimes read at coffee shops but I also get distracted by people-watching.

  5. Your back patio sounds lovely.

  6. I'm mostly on the couch as well. My husband loves to watch t.v. and I don't, so I read while he watches. It works :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. We watch a lot of TV together, but I definitely take advantage of the commercial breaks!

  7. Love this! I spend a lot of time reading on the couch or my bed, but lately I've been on our porch. Anytime I can read at the beach is the BEST time.

  8. I love reading in front of a window with great natural light. And on patio or deck- love those Adirondack chairs! :)

    There was something about escaping into a good book back in college at the student union or wherever!

    1. Ahh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who did that!

  9. A great list! When I was in college, I was that kid who studied on a Friday night.

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop by my post:

  10. I liked reading in the library when I was in college too. :)

  11. I love reading while my husband is playing a game or something, there's something about the casual shared company, both absorbed in your own tasks, that makes it so satisfying! (of course, this is as long as I don't get distracted and decide to play something also, haha!) I also love being able to read outside on a nice day!

    1. Yes, exactly! We can spend time together and each be doing something we enjoy!

  12. Vacation reading is definitely up there for me, too! Great list! :)

  13. Yes, reading on vacation without any other responsibilities to distract from the reading is amazing! Also, I love reading on the sofa while my husband is watching tv, it ALMOST feels like reading together haha :)


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!