
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Collector's Daughter

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Gill Paul
Expected publication date: September 7, 2021
Bestselling author Gill Paul returns with a brilliant novel about Lady Evelyn Herbert, the woman who took the very first step into the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and who lived in the real Downton Abbey, Highclere Castle, and the long after-effects of the Curse of Pharaohs. 

Lady Evelyn Herbert was the daughter of the Earl of Carnarvon, brought up in stunning Highclere Castle. Popular and pretty, she seemed destined for a prestigious marriage, but she had other ideas. Instead, she left behind the world of society balls and chaperones to travel to the Egyptian desert, where she hoped to become a lady archaeologist, working alongside her father and Howard Carter in the hunt for an undisturbed tomb.

In November 1922, their dreams came true when they discovered the burial place of Tutankhamun, packed full of gold and unimaginable riches, and she was the first person to crawl inside for three thousand years. She called it the “greatest moment” of her life—but soon afterwards everything changed, with a string of tragedies that left her world a darker, sadder place.

Newspapers claimed it was “the curse of Tutankhamun,” but Howard Carter said no rational person would entertain such nonsense. Yet fifty years later, when an Egyptian academic came asking questions about what really happened in the tomb, it unleashed a new chain of events that seemed to threaten the happiness Eve had finally found. - from Goodreads

I love historical fiction, and this sounds like it's going to be an incredible read!


  1. Ahhhhh I need this book in my life! 😍

  2. Evelyn sounds fantastic! But what an awful aftermath!

  3. That's an interesting discovery to include in the book.

  4. Aaaaaaah, that one got now a place on my wishlist! I read centuries ago many books about Egypt and this one sounds absolutely thrilling. Thank you for sharing. Happy reading!

  5. Oh now this sounds so different from most historical romances, def going on my list

    Here is mine:

  6. I saw this one a little while ago and thought it sounded so interesting! Definitely one I am keeping my eye out for. Great pick!

  7. I am taking a small break from historical fiction, but it sounds interesting.

  8. This is a time period and a setting that I've never read before so that alone is intriguing. Sounds interesting!

  9. This sounds really good I really hope you enjoy it a lot.

  10. This book sounds like it has such a fantastic concept! I hope that you love it! :)

  11. Oh wow, thanks so much for bringing this book to my attention. As much as I love historical fiction, I have never read anything that sounds even remotely like this story. It sounds amazing!


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