
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is our summer TBR!  I only read about 70% of my spring TBR, so, not great!  I haven't been going to the library much lately, so for my summer TBR, I'm going to mainly focus on books I already own (physical and ebook).

Where should I start first?


  1. Great list! Malibu Rising made my list this week, too, and Beach Read is the perfect summer book. Happy reading!

  2. Beach Read sure looks like the perfect summer read!

    My post:

  3. Such gorgeous covers; particularly Squeeze Play!

  4. Replies
    1. I've never read this author before, so I'm looking forward to it!

  5. Malibu Rising is on my summer TBR, too! I enjoyed Beach Read and The Ship of Brides.

  6. I'm hoping to read Beach Read very soon myself!


  7. I pre-ordered the Liese book, so obviously I still need to read it. I really want to though, and my summer ARCs are light. Chances are looking good.

    1. I've enjoyed the other two books in the series, so I'm looking forward to it!

  8. I've seen To Love a Prince around - it's such a pretty cover! Here's my TTT list:

  9. I've been reading a lot of things I already own also (my library is pretty open, but still no weekend hours so I find it hard to get there). I've been seeing Malibu Rising everywhere, I hope you enjoy it! I've also been curious about Summer Darlings and Rachel Hauck's work.

    1. My library is back to normal, I just haven't been heading there much!

      Thanks, Jordan!

  10. I started Malibu Rising this morning and can't wait to read more tonight. And I still need to get to Ever After Always. I had the audio checked out but never got to it.

  11. I hope to read Malibu Rising as well this summer! And I absolutely adored Beach Read, so hope you'll enjoy that one too :)

  12. I would say 70% of your Spring TBR is really good, I did maybe like 1/4 of mine!
    My TTT:

  13. Malibu Rising also made my list this week! I can't wait for it.

  14. That's a good idea to read books that we already own. Summer Darlings looks like a good beach read. Here's a link to my Summer Reading List.

  15. i always enjoy Rachel Hauck's books but haven't read this series yet - I hope to soon. My TTT

    1. I haven't tried her books yet, but I'm excited!

  16. Looks like you've got some great reads coming up this summer. I really hope you love Beach Read and The Ex Talk. Those were two of my favorites from last year.

  17. Malibu Rising looks great. I want to read more of her stuff. Daisy Jones is another I've been eyeing...

  18. I hope you like Malibu Rising! I need to read that one too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  19. These look like such great Summer reads, I'm curious which one will be a 5-star for you! I haven't read any of them sadly, but will check out some of them. I love reading summer books during summer. It just adds an extra layer :)

  20. I wish I read 70% of my tbr! My reading has been so off this year. But I understand the frustration as well. It can be annoying when you have a list of books that you want to read but get sidetracked or don't have time. I've never heard of Squeeze Play and I like the cover so I would pick that one to start.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!