
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: 2021 Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is our resolutions and hopes for 2021 (bookish or not).  I almost feel like it's tempting fate to actually list some resolutions, considering what happened last year, but I do have a few bookish/blogging goals that I'd like to make happen this year!

  1. Bring back my Try It series.  I haven't done one of these since November 2019, so it's time to try some new genres!
  2. Read one book from my shelf of unread physical books per month.  This is a carryover from last year, but I want to make it a more specific goal of one per month to hopefully encourage myself to finally get to these books.
  3. Keep growing my Instagram account.  I'm having a lot of fun taking pictures and sharing what I'm reading, so I'm hoping to keep that going in 2021.  I'll definitely still be active here, though, since I feel like the blog and Instagram are two totally different ways to talk about books.
  4. Host a giveaway.  I haven't done a giveaway since my 3rd blogoversary in 2019, and since my 5th blogoversary is coming up in April, I'd love to do something to celebrate.  I recently started a little affiliate shop over on, and I'm hoping to use the commissions to support giveaways here on the blog.
  5. Attend at least 2 bookish events.  Virtual events are ok, but I would love to (safely!) attend some in-person events, too, if possible.
  6. Do more to promote books/authors I love.  This is kind of an amorphous goal!  Last year I was fortunate enough to have some new bookish opportunities come my way - I participated in my first blog tour (and a couple more after that) and I shared some cover reveals and excerpts.  These were fun because they provided some fresh, interesting content and I also felt really good about promoting authors I love and maybe even introducing them to readers that might not know about their work.  I think basically what it boils down to is that I want to be more involved in the bookish community!

What are your goals for 2021?


  1. This is a great list of resolutions for your blog! Looking forward to the Try It series!

  2. Best of luck with your goals! I'd really like to show my physical backlist some love this year, too.

    1. I know, I feel so bad that they keep sitting there!

  3. I look forward to reading more from your Try It series.

    My post.

  4. Great list of resolutions - I wish I had the skills and time to make my bookstagram look good! These are my bookish New Year Resolutions, and some that I know I could not achieve!

    1. I'm not sure how good my pictures are, but I enjoy it!

  5. Oh to go to a bookish event in person would be wonderful. But I feel like it'll be virtual ones still this year.

  6. Good luck! I always wanted to get involved in the blog tour stuff, but I don’t know which tour companies are good or where to start.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I had one approach me, and it's been great working with them!

  7. Great goals! I hope there will be in-person events again someday. Good luck!

  8. I would LOVE to go to book events! I just so happen to live in the middle of nowhere, though, so finding one I can travel to is extremely hard.

    1. I'm lucky that there's a free book festival very close to me, and NYC isn't too far away either!

  9. Great list! I need to work on growing my Instagram account too, as well as trying to post more photos there!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. Ah I miss in-person book events! The virtual ones have been fine, but they're not the same.
    My TTT:

  11. Love your resolutions, especially promoting more books/authors you love! It always feels great to help promote something you love :) I would also love going to bookish events again. Hope it'll be possible again later this year!

  12. Hopefully in-person events come back before he end of the year! Although I love how the virtual events have allowed us to attend things we otherwise wouldn't have been able to.

    1. That is the nice thing about them, that you can see authors who may not come your way very often.

  13. Sending you good luck to achieve your goals, your Instagram is fab!

  14. Instagram is a lot different than blogging. I feel like I am still trying to get the hang of IG and learn all the ins and outs. Good luck with all your goals!

  15. I agree about Instagram. I like that platform and want to grow it in 2021 but I keep forgetting or not making time to go over there! Maybe I can fix that. :) And I haven't done a giveaway in years. Oh my gosh wow haha!

    Promoting authors is nice. Good luck with these! :)

  16. These are such great goals! Love that you have been doing cover reveals and such on your Instagram - it really gets me excited for upcoming books!

  17. I LOVE this goal: Read one book from my shelf of unread physical books per month. I need to do the same!!

    1. They just keep piling up! I need a plan of action!

  18. It'd be great if in-person book events were able to come back this year, but TBH I'm not sure when I'd feel comfortable going to one. At this point the thought of being in a crowd is still unthinkable to me. I'm definitely reading more from my own shelves this year. For sure. :)

    1. Yeah, I think in-person events are going to be difficult this year, even if they're done safely! But I have hope!

  19. These goals are great! I love the idea of bringing back your Try It series! I also would like to do more to promote books/authors I love, I feel like I have stopped doing as much in the past couple years, and it'd be great to get back into doing that. Best of luck with all of these, I hope you have a wonderful year! :)

  20. Sounds like a plan, I especially like the author one. Good luck! My TTT is

  21. These are great goals. I especially hope you'll be able to find some bookish in-person events to safely attend in person.

    1. I think it might be wishful thinking, but you never know!

  22. Oh I like the idea of the Try It series. I tried some adult sci-fi last year and it ignited my want to read sci-fi regularly. I'm trying some horror books now and plan to do a post about them next month. I'd love to see your series come back (:
    I love your last goal. I want to review more this year so I can actually promote the books I am loving. I'm trying to get back into the bookish community since I have been so off and on. Hope you achieve all your goals! :D

    1. Thanks so much, Adriana! It's fun to read outside our comfort zones and find some new favorites!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!