
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Social Graces

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Renee Rosen
Expected publication date: April 20, 2021
The author of Park Avenue Summer throws back the curtain on one of the most remarkable feuds in history: Mrs. Vanderbilt and Mrs. Astor's notorious battle for control of New York society during the Gilded Age.

In the glittering world of Manhattan's upper crust, where wives turn a blind eye to husbands' infidelities, and women have few rights and even less independence, society is everything. The more celebrated the hostess, the more powerful the woman. And none is more powerful than Caroline Astor—the Mrs. Astor.

But times are changing.

Alva Vanderbilt has recently married into one of America's richest families. But what good is money when society refuses to acknowledge you? Alva, who knows what it is to have nothing, will do whatever it takes to have everything.

Sweeping three decades and based on true events, this is a gripping novel about two fascinating, complicated women going head to head, behaving badly, and discovering what’s truly at stake. - from Goodreads

Gilded Age New York City?  Yes, please!


  1. I've actually never read anything from this time period/setting (that I can remember) so that in itself is a draw.

  2. Doesn't this sound good?! I really want to read it too. I love reading books set in that time period. I hope you love The Social Graces when you read it!

  3. I was going to say I recognized the arch on the cover of the book, so was glad to see it was where I was thinking. Hope you get this one soon!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  4. Those are some famous figures in this book. Hope it's fabulous!

  5. Love the sound of these multiple layered characters. I hope you enjoy this when it comes out!

  6. Ooh Gilded Age- I agree, this could be a lot of fun!

  7. Womne behaving badly? Oh hello! Great pick!

  8. So excited for this one as well! I love the setting of Gilded Age, NY as well!

  9. What a fantastic premise and setting! I hope that you love it! :)

  10. This sounds so good. I don't know why but I'm always drawn to these explorations of real life feuds.

  11. Ooh this sounds intriguing and even more so that it's based on real events. Hope you'll enjoy!


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