
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Chanel Cleeton
Expected publication date: May 4, 2021
At the end of the nineteenth century, three revolutionary women fight for freedom in New York Times bestselling author Chanel Cleeton’s captivating new novel inspired by real-life events and the true story of a legendary Cuban woman–Evangelina Cisneros–who changed the course of history.

A feud rages in Gilded Age New York City between newspaper tycoons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. When Grace Harrington lands a job at Hearst’s newspaper in 1896, she’s caught in a cutthroat world where one scoop can make or break your career, but it’s a story emerging from Cuba that changes her life.

Unjustly imprisoned in a notorious Havana women’s jail, eighteen-year-old Evangelina Cisneros dreams of a Cuba free from Spanish oppression. When Hearst learns of her plight and splashes her image on the front page of his paper, proclaiming her, “The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba,” she becomes a rallying cry for American intervention in the battle for Cuban independence.

With the help of Marina Perez, a courier secretly working for the Cuban revolutionaries in Havana, Grace and Hearst’s staff attempt to free Evangelina. But when Cuban civilians are forced into reconcentration camps and the explosion of the USS Maine propels the United States and Spain toward war, the three women must risk everything in their fight for freedom. - from Goodreads

This sounds like it's going to be an incredible read - three amazing women, the Gilded Age - what more could you ask for?


  1. You're so right, these women sound incredible! fantastic pick!

  2. I really want to read this one too! It sounds so good! I hope we both enjoy it when we read it!

  3. Oooh! This sounds like a cute read! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  4. Yet another book for my 2021 wishlist 😅

  5. This whole series has been so wonderful. I love the historical events Cleeton has been featuring too. I appreciate learning or learning more about them.

    1. Me too, that's what I love so much about historical fiction.

  6. This series is incredible - can't wait for this one!

  7. I love this series and while I loved her contemporary romances, this series and genre has been magic for her.

    1. I haven't read any of her contemporary romances, but I've been loving this series!

  8. Oh yes, great pick! Cleeton is fast becoming one of my favorite authors and this is one of my most anticipated reads of 2021.

  9. Not a time period I see covered a lot. That alone is quite a draw!


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