
Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 Goals and Challenges Wrap-Up

This year has been so crazy, it's almost hard to believe!  When I set these goals at the beginning of the year, I never could have imagined how our lives would be affected by COVID-19.  It almost seems a little silly, but I still want to take a look back at those goals, as well as wrap up my reading challenges.


  • Reread more. I reread 20 books this year, including the Harry Potter ones below. 
  • Reread the Harry Potter series. Done!
  • Make a dent in the unread physical books on my shelf. I've definitely read a few, as there seems to be a noticeable difference in the shelf!
  • Attend at least 2 bookish events.  I ended up attending two virtual bookish events - one with Taylor Jenkins Reid interviewing Katherine Center and one with Fiona Davis in conjunction with the New York Public Library.  Hopefully we'll be able to have in-person events again next year!

  • Respond to comments faster.  I think I did really well at this!
  • Get ahead on my book reviews. I think I did ok at this.  I started doing more "quick reviews," which meant the actual writing took less time, but I needed to review more books.  At most points during the year, I was at least a couple weeks ahead, so I think that's pretty good.
  • Build up my #bookstagram account.  My #bookstagram has grown about 60% since the beginning of the year!  I'm having fun participating in photo challenges and coming up with creative pictures.  If we're not already, let's be friends!

  • Get new passports.  Done!  Aaaaand we still have nowhere to go!
  • Drink more water.  I definitely failed at this.  At least a couple times a week, I catch myself thinking, hmm, I should be drinking more water.
  • Run a 5k. Total fail.  Maybe next year? 
  • Make 100 blankets for Project Linus.  I made 66 blankets, so I didn't reach my goal, unfortunately.  

The 2020 Audiobook Challenge is hosted by Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer.  My goal was 20-30 audiobooks and I ended up listening to 29.  I have to admit, though, I haven't listened to one since September; without my work commute, I was finding it was taking way too long to listen to audiobooks.

The Retellings Reading Challenge is hosted by Tracy at Cornerfolds.  My goal was the Elemental Witch level, which is 11-15 retellings, and I beat that with 32 retellings read!  AND I completed the Bingo board!

Beat the Backlist is hosted by Austine at NovelKnight; my goal was to read at least 60 backlist books this year, and I crushed that!  I've read 137 backlist books this year!
How did you do on your goals and challenges?


  1. My only goal was my goodreads reading challenge of 100 books which I completed and participating in Nonfiction November which I also did so I'm happy.

  2. That is awesome you were able to re-read so many books. I re-read most of the HP series with my son, which was fantastic and perfect for quarantine. That's still an incredible amount of blankets you made for Project Linus-well done!

  3. I really want to reread more in the coming year. I always enjoy it when I do and yet I rarely make the time for it. And I definitely need to get caught up with reviews. I'm so behind at this point that it feels pretty overwhelming.

    1. Yes, I always try to fit in several rereads during the year!

  4. I think you did great with your goals even if you didn't fully meet all of them. I will be taking a closer look at my 2020 goals and changes I want to make for 2021 for a post next week. I try to always keep my goals realistic because I hate the stress of not making them! I hope you have a wonderful new year.

    1. Thanks so much, Susie! Looking forward to your wrap up!

  5. Wow, congrats on making so many blankets! I’m scared to look back at my 2020 goals, and I’m not going to make any for next year. I mostly just want to work fulltime and not live with constant uncertainty. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks, Aj! Yes, I'm definitely going to be cutting back on goals next year; it just feels like tempting fate!

  6. I am impressed you were able to accomplish the bookish events. Even if they were virtual, you did it! And good job with the instagram account.

  7. "Aaaaand we still have nowhere to go!" Haha right? Thanks Covid!

    Good job on the challenges!!!

    Happy New Year :)

  8. I think you did fantastically well with almost all your challenges. And 66 blankets? WOW!!!

    1. Thanks! Haha, they are no-sew fleece blankets, just cutting and tying!

  9. Despite Covid, it sounds like you did really well! Missed a couple life goals, but compared to how many goals you hit, you still did great!

  10. You did such a great job with your goals! Can't wait to see what 2021 brings!

  11. Wow, you did so well with your goals! Especially since it was such a weird year, and there's no way we could have foreseen everything that has happened. I haven't even dared look back at the goals I set last year, as I feel like I've been so unproductive in 2020!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I feel like I got a ton of reading done, but neglected to do a lot of things around my house, like decluttering!

  12. 2020 changed all of our reading and listening habits. I have always worked from home, but having the entire house working from home had me listening more then reading. 29 of 30 is pretty darn good without a commute. Hope you join again!

  13. You did such a great jobs on almost all of your goals. That's fantastic and I'm so envious of that 137 backlist number. I did get 53 of my backlist books read though so that's way better than I usually do.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I always seem to read more backlist than new releases, not sure why, though!

  14. Wow!! I am inspired by your ability to accomplish so much! I definitely have had some of these on my list for quite some time. Amazing!!

  15. Sounds like it was a great year, even though it was 2020. I don't think I've ever heard of Project Linus before, but that sounds really awesome. I bookmarked their page; I think I'll want to knit for them, after I finish the sweater I'm making for myself--it's such a nice way that an introvert can do something for others.

    I did a couple 5ks, but there weren't many this year. I tried training for one this year, until my feet started hurting. Hopefully there'll be more opportunities in 2021!

    1. We've been working with Project Linus for a few years now, and it has been great - I'm so excited that you want to help them out!

  16. I'm terrible at looking back at my goals. I'm trying to keep track of them in a planner I have for this year. You were so good with your goals this past year! I think I'm going to do mini reviews like you. I used to do them in the past so maybe it's time to try it again. I'm trying to keep on top of my comments this year. I've been commenting like crazy and I didn't realize how much I missed it. It's a very fun part of blogging :D
    Your bookstagram is cute. I made one with one post and hated it. I just don't have an eye for it. I think I might try again later in the year. I wanted to run a 5k last year too but now I just want to get into running again!
    That's a lot of blankets! You should be proud. Are you a quilter or do you make crotchet blankets?
    You crushed your reading challenges! Hope you have an amazing year in 2021!

    1. Thank you so much, Adriana! I'm finding I'm really enjoying doing quick reviews.

      I actually make no-sew fleece blankets, which is just cutting and tying!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!