
Friday, September 11, 2020

Mini-Reviews: Anticipated 2020 Releases

The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

In an upscale neighborhood in South Carolina, a monster is stalking the community - and the only people that may be able to stop him are the members of a local book club.

Normally I'm not drawn to horror, but the premise of a book club saving the neighborhood was too good to pass up!  Patricia is our main character - a former nurse, she's now a stay-at-home wife and mother.  Her one escape is a book club where the ladies read true crime and suspense novels.  One day a stranger, James, moves to the neighborhood.  At first, Patricia is attracted to him, but she soon realizes that there's some weird stuff going on - she thinks he might be a vampire.  I loved Patricia - at times I felt bad for her because no one would believe her, but she never gave up.  She's smart and determined.  There were some truly gruesome scenes in this book, but I honestly couldn't stop reading - I loved the themes of friendship and female strength and the campy, almost retro feel to the story.  4.5 stars

The Betrothed by Kiera Cass

The original trilogy of The Selection series is one of my favorites, so I was really looking forward to Kiera Cass' new book - unfortunately, it was a big miss for me.

Lady Hollis is sure that a proposal from King Jameson is coming soon, but when a stranger from a neighboring kingdom arrives seeking sanctuary, she's drawn to him instead.  I don't even know where to start with this one - Hollis is so shallow and immature, I'm not sure what the king sees in her, although he's not a prize himself.  She seems content with her life, so when she meets Silas and within days falls in love and runs away with him, it felt like insta-love at its worst.  The world-building is almost non-existent - it's painted in such broad strokes that it could be taking place anywhere at any time.  It also felt like there was no plot to this story - the whole time I was listening to it, I was wondering what the point of it was.  Cass tries to inject some drama near the end of the story, I guess to set it up for the next book, but I don't think I'll be reading it.  2 stars


  1. Such a bummer about Betrothed. I loved the Selection, so I had high hopes. I hate that the world-building is nonexistent. I feel like you need strong world building in a fantasy and the presence of insta-love is frustrating. Thanks for your honest review!

    1. You're welcome, Christina! I really wanted to like this one, but it was such a struggle to get through.

  2. I have been so sad about the poor reviews for The Betrothed. I loved The Selection books, even the second three were good. The standalone she did (Siren? maybe?) was not spectacular, but it was ok, but didn't have me rushing to read this book. Sorry it was sort of dismal.

    1. Thanks, Sam. It was a bit disappointing considering how much I've enjoyed this author before.

  3. I heard really great things about The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires!

  4. I'm not sure I knew that vampire book featured a book club - how funny! I need to check that one out at our library (or at least put it on hold - think it has been popular and is likely 'checked out' to someone else) - ha!

    1. Yes, I had to wait awhile for it! Put a hold on it, you won't be disappointed!

  5. I’m glad you liked the vampire book! I read the author’s other book, Horrorstor, and it’s one of my 2020 favorites. I need to pick up more of his stuff.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. I love seeing 4.5 stars for the slaying vampires book. I'm going to the beach this weekend and that's one of the books I'm considering taking with me.

    1. Yes, definitely take this one with you! I hope you love it!

  7. I've been considering trying the first one. It sounds fun! I'm glad you liked it so much.

    1. Thanks, Kristen! I hope you enjoy it if you do end up reading it!

  8. Southern Guide looks so good- and i keep seeing positive reactions. Glad to hear it worked for you. I'm thinking of trying it. Might be good for fall!

  9. Oh, The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires sounds so good, I'm glad to hear you loved it! I liked the Selection series by Kiera Cass, so it's sad to read her new book is so disappointing.

  10. The premise of The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires sounds like so much fun, but I really, really don't do horror. I'm going to wait and read a few more reviews before I decide whether to try it or not.

    1. Understandable - it does get really gory at times!

  11. Ouch. The Betrothed sound like a big dud. I mean, when you spend much of the book wondering what the point is... that's never a good sign.

  12. I really want to read the Grady Hendrix! It looks so good!

  13. I liked "The Betrothed" fine (and will read book two), but what I noticed it that it feels quite a lot like her original series. Something I just wasn't expecting even with the pretty dress!


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