
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Paris Is Always a Good Idea

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Paris Is Always a Good Idea
Jenn McKinlay
Expected publication date: July 21, 2020
It's been seven years since Chelsea Martin embarked on her yearlong post-college European adventure. Since then, she's lost her mother to cancer and watched her sister marry twice, while Chelsea's thrown herself into work, becoming one of the most talented fundraisers for the American Cancer Coalition, and with the exception of one annoyingly competent coworker, Jason Knightley, her status as most talented fundraiser is unquestioned.

When her introverted mathematician father announces he's getting remarried, Chelsea is forced to acknowledge that her life stopped after her mother died, and that the last time she can remember being happy, in love, or enjoying her life was on her gap year. Inspired to retrace her steps--to find Colin in Ireland, Jean Claude in France, and Marcelino in Italy--Chelsea hopes that one of these three men who stole her heart so many years ago, can help her find it again.

From the start of her journey nothing goes as planned, but as Chelsea reconnects with her old self, she also finds love in the very last place she expected. - from Goodreads
Even though there are some heavy topics, I think this book will be a great escape as we travel with Chelsea!


  1. I love this title (duh) but I agree, I think this will be a great escape too -- it's sort of a coming to terms story, isn't it?

  2. Oooh! This sounds like a cute read! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  3. It does sounds like there are some heavy topics but it also sounds like an amazing read. I really like the sound of it!

  4. This book was so delightful. I 5-starred it, because I just loved reading so much. I hope you enjoy it when you read it.

  5. Sounds like a perfect European adventure! :)

  6. Sounds great for some armchair traveling--much needed now!

  7. I really want to read this one too! It sounds so charming!

  8. This is one of my favorite authors and I just placed a hold on this one through OverDrive. The cover is awesome too. Have you read her romance trilogy centered around dogs? I forget the title of one but the first one was really good!

    1. I've actually never read this author before! I'll have to check out more of her stuff.

  9. I just started this one tonight and am really loving it so far. :)

  10. This sounds like a great read, heavy but fun at the same time. Added to my TBR, so thanks for the tip!

  11. Don't know much about this one, but I think it seems like it'd be a great read. :)


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