
Monday, March 9, 2020

Quotables #16

This is totally how I feel about my library - it's still just so amazing to me that I can go to this place where there are practically unlimited amounts of books, and they're FREE, and I can take them all home with me!  There are so many genres, so much to learn - it's really astounding.

As sad as it is, I agree with this.  Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you work or how good of a person you are, you might not win or get ahead.

As book lovers, I believe our favorite stories become a part of us.  We feel so close to the characters and relate to every word and chapter.  It's amazing how books can affect us so much.

Which of these is your favorite?


  1. That is a great quote for book lovers, and yes! I love libraries. We are very lucky to have access to such a wonderful place

    1. I know! Honestly, it was one of the things I looked for in a neighborhood when we were looking for a house.

  2. I love that library quote! I feel the same way!

  3. Love that quote from The Starless Sea. I totally get that.

  4. Cool quotes! I especially like the one from The Starless Sea.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. The first and last quotes are both so relatable. It always amazes me just how much power a good story can have.

    1. Exactly! I think as readers we can all relate.

  6. I really love that last one, Angela. How beautiful!

  7. All of these quotes resonate in one way or another, but I think I love the library one the most! Definitely agree, libraries are the best.

    1. They really are! So glad mine has a ton of online resources right now!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!