
Monday, March 2, 2020

Month in Review: February 2020

February was a pretty busy month!  My sister and I did a wood pallet painting class - it was Disney themed and so much fun!  Tom and I saw Birds of Prey - I think he was way more interested in it than I was, but it wasn't bad.  For Valentine's Day, Tom and I went out to lunch and also visited an axe throwing pit (I'm not sure what this says about our marriage, haha!).  He was better at it overall, BUT I got the first bullseye!  We held our annual Project Linus Make a Blanket Day and had a great turnout.  We collected over 75 blankets and made another 23 at the event!  The weather overall this month was warmer than normal, but it also rained a ton, so we couldn't really do anything outside.

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

How was your February?


  1. You and your sister do some fun stuff. I am not artistic, but the painting sounds great. I tried to listen to Nine Perfect Strangers, but I struggle when the narrator has an accent. I need to be totally focused, and I am usually doing something else when I listen to audiobooks. I saw some of these on your blog, but curious about how you liked some of the others.

    1. Yes, I'm lucky she lives fairly close and we can do stuff together! I sometimes struggle with narrator's accents, too, but this one was okay for me, I could actually understand her!

  2. Sounds like you have had a fantastic month. I have an audiobook of Nine Perfect Strangers on my phone that I need to try. I hope that you have a wonderful March as well!

  3. I would love to try axe throwing. That sounds awesome. I hope you have a great March!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. Looks like you had a great month! I can't wait to read your review of The Other Windsor Girl. Have a good March!

  5. You had a great reading month! Hope March is just as good :)

  6. I just added Anna K to my TBR and I've heard some good things about it. I hope you enjoy your March!

  7. I just realized looking at your books that I never read Nine Perfect Strangers. Yikes. How did I skip over a Liane Moriarty? I should pick that one up. Anyway, sounds like your february was a pretty good one. :) The axe throwing pit sounds fun haha. We did that once at a Renaissance fair.

    1. Hah, yeah, we've been wanting to go for awhile!

      I still have one more Liane Moriarty out there to read, The Last Anniversary.

  8. So many fun activities this month! I think it says great things about your marriage that you and your hubby went axe throwing together. I love that. Your list reminds me that I still haven't read that Liane Moriarty book yet. I'm listening to another of hers, The Husband's Secret, on audio now so maybe I'll tackle that one soon as well.

    1. Haha, we did have fun, so I guess that's good!

      I actually really enjoyed Nine Perfect Strangers, although lots of people have said it was a miss for her.

  9. So many great books! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Lydia Bird. And congrats on the success of Project Linus! That's fantastic!

  10. Project Linus, what an awesome name!! Who are these blankets for?
    So many books, amazing! So glad you read the latest by Louise Penny, and now we have to wait September 1st for her next one.
    I'm going to look into this hiking book, very tempting!

    1. The blankets are given to children who are ill or in need somehow, so we donate them to hospitals, homeless shelters, foster care, etc. It's a wonderful charity!

      Well, at least there's another Louise Penny to look forward to!

  11. Haha, I love that you went to an axe throwing pit for Valentine's Day! Sounds like so much fun :) Hope you'll have a great March! (and here's hoping for better weather soon)

  12. You had an amazing month in reads, Angela! I am so curious about Temper! I have that one on my list!

    1. It was a very curious read with a super surprising ending!

  13. Oh my gosh! Ax throwing sounds so fun! My boss mentioned going as a team building event! I can't wait to try it!

    1. I wasn't sure I even wanted to do it, but it was so fun!

  14. I really like that Fairest showed the villain's side of the story, but it didn't make me like or feel sorry for her. I understand that she was neglected, physically and emotionally abused, but she ended up being way worse by far.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!