
Friday, February 21, 2020

Blog Tour + Review: 100 Hikes of a Lifetime

Thank you to Trish Collins at TLC Book Tours for inviting me to be a part of the blog tour for National Geographic's 100 Hikes of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Scenic Trails!  I was provided with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

100 Hikes of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Scenic Trails
Kate Siber, Andrew Skurka (foreword)
Published February 4, 2020
From the world's expert in outdoor adventure, here is the ultimate hiker's bucket list, with 100 breathtaking experiences for beginners to experts around the globe--from the celebrated Appalachian Trail to the off-the-beaten path (but not to be missed!) Six Waterfalls Hike in Micronesia.

Filled with beautiful National Geographic photography, wisdom from expert hikers like Andrew Skurka, need-to-know travel information, and practical wildlife-spotting tips, this inspirational guide offers the planet's best experiences for hikers and sightseers. From short day hikes--California's Sierra High Route, Lake Agnes Teahouse in Alberta, Norway's Mt. Skala--to multiday excursions like Mt. Meru in Tanzania and multi-week treks (Egypt's Sinai Trail, Bhutan's Snowman Trek, and the Bibbulum Track in Australia), you'll find a hike that matches your interests and skill level. Crossing all continents and climates (from the jungles of Costa Rica to the ice fields in Alaska's Kenai Fjords National Parks), as well as experiences (a wine route through Switzerland or moose spotting on the Teton Crest Trail in Wyoming,) there is a trail for everyone in these pages. So pack your gear and lace your boots: this comprehensive and innovative guide will lead you to experience the best hikes of your life! - from Goodreads
I was very excited when Trish asked me to review this book, because, besides reading, hiking is one of my favorite activities.  In 100 Hikes of a Lifetime, Kate Siber has put together an amazing list of hiking trails from all over the world to satisfy every type of hiker.

The book is arranged by continent, and for each hike, the distance, length of trip, best time to go, and difficulty level are included.  Siber then includes a blurb (varying from one page to several) describing the trek, the surrounding area, where to stay, and who you'll meet (both people and animals!).  Of course, since this is National Geographic, there are tons of incredible photographs, which really served to fuel my wanderlust!

The best thing about this book is how comprehensive it is.  Since the 100 hikes span all seven continents, there really is something for everyone. Almost every type of terrain imaginable is included - jungles, forests, deserts, mountains, and beaches.  While there were many hikes at the difficult or expert-only levels, there were also several easy and moderate ones.  Distances vary from one mile to several hundred, with trip lengths from a couple hours to several weeks or even months.  If you're looking for remote places to enjoy the solitude, this book has it.  If you're looking for something closer to civilization, this book has that, too.

Sometimes I plan trips that revolve around hiking, and for other trips, hiking might be something we only spend one day doing, and a guide like this can help in both instances.  Whether you want to see waterfalls, castles, or ruins, or even drink some wine while you walk, you'll find something here to enjoy.  These trails were chosen because they offer something memorable and you're guaranteed to have a pretty unique experience on any of them.

Although I'd heard of some of these trails (and even hiked parts of them myself), most of them were new to me.  I think maps or websites (if available) would have been helpful for me in envisioning where the trails were or pointing me in the direction of obtaining more information.  Despite that one quibble, 100 Hikes of a Lifetime drove home the point of how vast and beautiful this world is - there is so much to see and do, more than I could ever imagine.  It was really inspiring!

4.5 stars

Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound


  1. What an awesome book! I love to go on various different hikes when I travel. Some of my favorite hikes are on the Hawaiian islands. Would love to hike in CA! Thanks for putting this book on my radar.

    1. You're very welcome! I would love to go back to Hawaii and do more hiking there.

  2. This book sounds awesome. It would probably make me wish I was rich enough to travel.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Haha, true! But there are quite a few in the United States, too!

  3. Sounds like an interesting read. Something you couple pick up and put down, just reading bits at a time. And I’m sure the photography is stunning!

    1. The pictures are gorgeous! And yeah, I agree, this is one you can kind of read in pieces, whatever interests you!

  4. Oh wow! This look and sounds like it was the perfect book for you to read and review. I can tell from the cover it must've been beautiful. :D

  5. This sounds amazing! I miss being able to hike up through the mountain we loved on in Tennessee. It was beautiful. I think this would be a fantastic read for me.

    1. I hope you get a chance to check this one out!

  6. This sounds like a really cool book to own. I am really looking forward to spring and being able to go hiking again. I will have to keep an eye out for this. It sounds like a great book to gift.

    1. Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to warmer weather!

      This is one I'll be sharing with my family!

  7. Congrats on your first blog tour! Now that Luna is getting older, I hope we can start hiking as a family.

    1. Thank you! I hope Luna loves the outdoors as much as we do.

  8. I love when I read a book, and it features a place I have been. That must have been fun seeing some of the trails you hiked featured. I wish I enjoyed healthy, outdoor things like hiking. Good for you!

  9. I love hiking but hardly seem to do it much anymore! Which is sad. Love the look of this, definitely looks worth getting for ideas!

    1. It made me add so many more places to my "want to visit" list!

  10. What a great resource book. I love to hike but don't do it nearly as often as I'd like to.

    1. Me, too - it's really something we need to make more time for.

  11. I absolutely LOVE everything National Geographic so it is no surprise this is fantastic! Thank you for being on this tour. Sara @ TLC Book Tours


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