
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: My 2019 Favorites!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is our favorite books of 2019.  I think 2019 was a really great reading year for me - I had quite a few 4.5 and 5-star books, and I'm usually pretty stingy about giving out ratings that high!  Here are just a few of my favorites from the past year:






 Did any of these make your top ten for the year?


  1. Great list! I read One Day in December last year and loved it! I completely agree about Daisy Jones and The Girl He Used to Know....both made my list. Salt to the Sea is one of my favorite books of all time...completely agree about that one. Did you read Fountains yet? It's not as good, but still a great read.

    1. I haven't read Fountains yet, but I do want to read more from her!

  2. Yes to Daisy! I went into it really nervous because I don't particularly care for that time period. But the format really worked and I ended up loving it.

    1. Agreed! I loved the format and how all the characters had their own voice.

  3. Daisy Jones, Recursion, and The Bromance Book Club made my Best Of list this year too!

  4. I enjoyed One Day in December so much. I think had I read it this year it would have been one of my top picks for the year. So much love for Daisy Jones and The Girl He Used to Know!

  5. I really liked Daisy Jones and Salt to the Sea. I've heard great things about Only Plane in the Sky, though it sounds like a tough read. Happy New Year!

    1. It was a tough read, but so important, I think.

  6. I LOVE Salt to the Sea. It was one of my favorites last year. I have Dead Mountain on my TBR list. I should probably add The Only Plane In The Sky too. I’ve seen it on a few “best” lists today.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It really was a great read and taught me so many things I didn't know about that day.

  7. I like your list! I haven't read any of them, but I actually own 4 or maybe 5 of them. Planning on reading Recursion very soon. Our mystery group is discussing Blake Crouch's previous book, Dark Matter, next week. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Kay! Both Dark Matter and Recursion were excellent reads. Happy new year!

  8. I read Recursion (and his book from last year too- this stands out because I'm definitely not a SF/horror fan, but his books pull me in). My husband has The Only Plane in the Sky-- I may or may not read it, due to predicting it will stress me out to do so. I've been interested in Salt to the Sea for quite some time. Thanks for making this list.

    1. Thanks, Cleo! Blake Crouch has really made me more interested in sci-fi, too!

  9. Daisy Jones is on a lot of lists and I liked the TJR book I read- i need to get to more of hers. Recursion of course was amazing!

  10. Glad you had such a great reading year! I haven't read any these but have heard good things about some. Been thinking about trying a Blake Crouch book.

    1. Thanks, Kristen! I think you would really like his books.

  11. There are a couple here that I haven't seen before -- especially Foe. That's a very dramatic title and cover! Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year, Verushka! I think Foe would be a great read for you!

  12. Salt to the Sea is one that I recently read and loved as well! I see a few here that I need to check out. I hope that 2020 is just as wonderful for you. :)

  13. The Dream Daughter is tied with What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon as my favourite book of the year.

    Happy reading in 2020!

  14. Such an interesting list, Angela! I haven't read any of them, but own a couple and have a couple more on my wish list.

  15. The Only Plane in the Sky sounds interesting. I just got Salt to the Sea when it was on sale the other day. Have a great 2020!

  16. You have some amazing books this year! Hope this year is just as great.

  17. One Day in December - YES! I cried buckets as I read that book. One of my faves!

  18. One Day in December made my list too! Although, I included ALL of my favorite reads from 2019, haha. It's a long list! Daisy Jones and the Six & The Girl He Used to Know are two books I recently received, and I'm looking forward to reading them in 2020. <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  19. Oh wow I haven't read any of these books yet but now my TBR has grown <33

  20. Salt to the Seas has a special place in my heart. I read it as a buddyread a couple of years ago, it was beautiful.

  21. Ahhh Daisy Jones, I adore that book so much, so happy to see it on your list! :)

  22. "The Bromance Book Club" sounds fun, but I haven't read enough about it to know if it'd be a "me" read. You've reminded me to give it a second look though! :) Thanks so much for the visit to Finding Wonderland last week, Angela.

    1. I haven't seen a bad review yet of Bromance Book Club!

  23. I read some of these books, but none my my top 10. I do really want to read Recursion, especially now!

    I hope you have a great 2020 reading year!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!