
Friday, December 13, 2019

DNF&Y #3: The Audiobook Edition

DNF&Y is a feature hosted by Lindsi at Do You Dog-ear?  According to Lindsi, "DNF&Y is used to explain why I gave up on certain books, and what about them just didn't work for me. What I disliked about a book might be something you love, so it helps to share your thoughts even when they're negative!"  Since I tend to DNF quite a bit, I thought it would be fun to participate!

I've had pretty bad luck recently with audiobooks and actually DNFed these three right in a row!

 The Winter Soldier by Daniel Mason (2018)

This book is about a medical student who finds himself thrust into actually practicing medicine when World War I breaks out.  I love a good wartime story, but this one was so bland and the writing felt so sparse that I began to dread listening to it and had to DNF.
 The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary (2019)

This book has been such a hit this year, so I didn't even mind that the wait list at my library was pretty long.  I was so excited to finally get it.. and then.. the narrator's voices - ugh!  Could they have found two less pleasing voices to narrate this book?  I couldn't even understand what "Leon" was saying half the time, it was so garbled, coupled with the fact that his sections were written more as train of thought than actual sentences.  I might go back to this one at some point in print, but the audio definitely didn't work for me.
 The Library of Lost and Found by Phaedra Patrick (2019)

The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper was one of my favorite books a couple years ago, so I was excited to see what Patrick put out next.  I thought the premise of this book, about a volunteer librarian named Martha who finds out that her grandmother, who she thought passed away years ago, might actually still be alive, sounded interesting.  I ended up DNFing this book around 25%.  Martha was the biggest doormat - it's nice that she wants to help people, but she goes too far and just does everything for everyone, and clearly very few people even appreciate it.  I just wanted her to get a real job and a real life.  And - minor spoiler - when we find out her grandmother is still actually alive, I began to feel like any family secret that was going to be revealed was going to be ridiculous and I just didn't even care to know.

Have you read any of these?


  1. Oh no, it is the worst when a narrator ruins a reading experience! And what could have been a really great read. That happened to with with an Ilona Andrews book. So many people rave about her so I downloaded the first book in one of her series. And I loathed the narration! I mean, the woman's voice grated on me so much that I started to despise every character. LOL I found out that she narrates *all* of Andrew's books so I knew I wouldn't be trying any more of them!

  2. It's a shame the narration for Flatshare didn't work for you, because I really liked the book, and I loved Leon. *sad face*

    1. I know! But I would consider going back to it in print.

  3. Same here, I enjoyed so much The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper, but I was very disappointed by this one. I read it, but the audio wouldn't have made any difference. As far as audio is concerned, I now just listen to French audiobooks and to Classics, alternating.

    1. Yeah, I don't think being in print would have changed my mind, either!

  4. That's a bummer about The Flatshare! I recently purchased a physical copy, so hopefully it's better than the audiobook. Sometimes a narrator really ruins a book for me, and I know that's an awful thing to say! I also know it's personal preference... like with the Kate Daniels series! I love the narrator (even though it took a few chapters for her voice to grow on me), and now I cannot image anyone else being Kate or reading for these characters. Tanya up there didn't like the narrator, so she's never revisited the series. It's crazy how we can hear/read the same thing and have different reactions.

    I'm sorry these didn't work for you! I'll let you know how reading Flatshare goes. (My current post is a DNF, but I'm going to link it to my DNF&Y post at the end of the month. It was supposed to be a review for a blog tour, and I had to wait until the tour ended before posting my review.)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ☃💬

    1. I may go back to The Flatshare in print sometime! I'm anxious to hear what you think of it! The narrator really can be personal preference, so it's nice that there are options for reading these days!

  5. I am also in the minority of people who didn't enjoy The Flat Share. I didn't DNF it, but I sure wanted to. I felt no satisfaction from trudging along to the end!

  6. Sorry to hear these didn't work for you. I can imagine having the narration of a book is so frustrating, I think it would be too.

    1. Yep - I'm sure a lot of it is just personal preference, but not every voice is pleasing to listen to for 8 hours!

  7. Too bad about The Winter Soldier because I love the genre and it's the one I'd most likely pick up out of all three but I hate blandness so I know to stay away from it.

  8. I haven't read any of these but the Library cover is nice. sorry to hear these were DNF's!

  9. I am so sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy The Library of Lost and Found. I read an early copy and I suppose if it wasn't for a review I might not have stuck with it. I hope that you have some enjoyable reads this month. :)

  10. That stinks about Flatshare---I am especially intrigued by that one! If the narrator doesn't work it makes the audio book experience not fact, I am currently dealing with that right now! I hope you find some better audio books this month!

  11. That's a bummer about The Flatshare and The Library of Lost and Found. I have both of those on my TBR but haven't tried either yet.

    1. It could just be a "me" thing - I'd love to know what you think of them!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!