
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Avoiding on My TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is books on my TBR that I'm avoiding reading and why.  This is a really interesting topic - I think we all have those books on our TBR that maybe we're not as excited about as other books or for one reason or another haven't picked up yet.  Here are some books that haven't made it to the top of my TBR and why:


The Fairest Kind of Love: This is the last book in the Windy Cindy Magic series.  I've really enjoyed the books and I don't want the series to end; thus, I'm avoiding reading this book!

Nine Perfect Strangers: I love Liane Moriarty, but I've seen so many mixed reviews for this book and I'm afraid of not liking it.


A Column of Fire:  This book is over 900 pages, so it's really just length, pure and simple, that's making me avoid this one.

Frenchman's Creek: I've really enjoyed Daphne du Maurier's other books, but since I've been reading other classics on the Serial Reader app, I haven't made time for this one.


The Trial of Lizzie Borden and The Husband Hunters:  I've been avoiding both of these books because Nonfiction November is coming up in a couple months and I'm saving them for my TBR for that month!


Circe and The Flatshare: Hype is the major reason I haven't read either of these books!  I've only heard good things about both of them, but I have a bad track record of not liking really hyped and well-loved books.  So, I'm a little scared of reading them!  But, I have promised Stephanie from Bookfever that I would read Circe, so I will get to it eventually!

What is your biggest reason for avoiding books on your TBR?


  1. Oh I hear you about the hype -- I'm generally very wary about hype myself, but with The Flatshare it helped that I was entirely unaware of the hype before I read it and fell in love with it! Oh and Liane Moriarity -- me too, I am afraid of not liking her work.

    1. Yeah, re: Liane Moriarty, I wasn't crazy about her last book, so I'm a little nervous!

  2. I’ve been avoiding some of these same ones, Angela!

  3. I get what you're saying about hype. I have so many hyped books that I still need to read. But seriously read Circe! ;)

  4. I haven't read A Column of Fire yet for the same reason. Follett tells great stories...they're just so long. :)

    My TTT.

  5. LOL we are so the opposite - I can't wait until the final book in a series comes out so I can finish it and move on! I thought The Flatshare was super disappointing, but I really enjoyed Nine Perfect Strangers. And the quickest way to the bottom of my TBR is to be too long (looking at you, 450+ page books).

    1. Haha, yes, twins don't have to agree on everything! 450+ pages is really long, though.

  6. I’m also saving books for Nonfiction November! I think I found some good ones this year. I love nonfiction, but I don’t read enough of it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I don't either, but I have a couple I'm waiting for at the library that I'm very excited about!

  7. You should definitely read Circe, and I've heard great things about Flatshare (which, sadly, does not seem to be available here in the US.)

  8. Great list! I bought Circe when it came out and then didn't read it for a year thanks to the hype, but I'm glad I waited because then I loved it when I read it. Frenchman's Creek is really fun - I hope you enjoy it when you get to it!

  9. I'm right there with you on Nine Perfect Strangers! It sounds right up my alley, but I'm just nervous to actually finally read it. Circe was one that I thoroughly enjoyed, but I totally get how it's been overhyped at this point, haha.

    1. Totally agree on Nine Perfect Strangers. Yes, Circe was EVERYWHERE last year!

  10. I admit that it took me two weeks to read The Flatshare but I think that was totally on me and not the book. There was *a lot* going on at the time (namely, Hurricane Dorian) and my mind wasn’t focused on the book, or reading in general. I think at any other time I would have flown through The Flatshare and loved it!

    1. Yes, you definitely had more pressing things to think about!

  11. I think I'm one of the few people that thought Circe was just "meh". I haven't read any of the others yet.

  12. Good reasons--esp Nonfiction November. I've liked each of the Liane Moriarty books I've read, but I've not been able to make myself pick up one in a year or too. Interesting that you are worried about the same thing--quality!

    1. I feel like the reviews were so mixed when it came out, it made me nervous!

  13. I haven't heard much about "The Flatshare," but do own a copy so hopefully I'll read it soon-ish! It sounds like a REALLY fun read. :) Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

  14. I've been holding off on Nine Perfect strangers for the same reason. And Circe is one I do want to read, it sounds so good.

  15. I am such a Moriarty fangirl, I just don't want to ruin my streak by reading her last release. Nobody seemed to really love it.

    1. I know!! Her last book before this one was a disappointment for me.

  16. I'm scared of Circe too! I loved her first book so much that I'm scared of not liking the next one.

  17. Thanks for the heads up on Nine Perfect Strangers! I haven't read that one yet, so I will definitely keep it to the bottom of the TBR pile.

  18. Circe and Liane Moriarty's book made my list this week too for the exact same reasons, lol.

  19. Oooh, books you've been avoiding! What a clever topic. 😁 Hype can be such a scary beast. 😱😱😱 I don't blame you. I'm about halfway through Nevernight and blaming hype for my conflicted feelings right now! 😭

    1. Right? It makes you go in with such high expectations, and then it's a bummer if you don't like it. Makes me feel bad!

  20. Not gonna lie, I've been avoiding Nine Perfect Strangers for the same reasons!

  21. Hype makes me avoid books as well! The Whisper Man is one I've been holding off on even though I was pumped to buy it and dive in. Of course by the time my book arrived, the hype got to me...

    1. Oh, me, too! I add things to my TBR, and then they blow up hype-wise, and it makes me second guess them.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!