
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Christmas Shopaholic

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Christmas Shopaholic
Sophie Kinsella
Expected publication date: October 17, 2019
Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) adores Christmas. It's always the same – Mum and Dad hosting, carols playing, Mum pretending she made the Christmas pudding, and the next-door neighbours coming round for sherry in their terrible festive jumpers.

And now it's even easier with online bargain-shopping sites – if you spend enough you even get free delivery. Sorted!

But this year looks set to be different. Unable to resist the draw of craft beer and smashed avocado, Becky's parents are moving to ultra-trendy Shoreditch and have asked Becky if she'll host Christmas this year. What could possibly go wrong?

With sister Jess demanding a vegan turkey, husband Luke determined that he just wants aftershave again, and little Minnie insisting on a very specific picnic hamper – surely Becky can manage all this, as well as the surprise appearance of an old boyfriend and his pushy new girlfriend, whose motives are far from clear . . .

Will chaos ensue, or will Becky manage to bring comfort and joy to Christmas? - from Goodreads
I have loved the Shopaholic series from the beginning, so I'm really excited for this Christmas-themed addition!


  1. I haven't read the Shopaholic series but Christmas books make me so excited! :D

  2. I love Kinsella and I have yet to read the shopaholic series. Now I need to because I love a good Christmas contemporary. Thanks for sharing this!! :)

  3. I have never read the Shopaholic series, but now I feel like I need to!

  4. I haven't read th others in the series but this sounds really good, I'll have to look into the others now.

    My CWW

  5. I've read a Kinsella book before and really liked it but it wasn't in this series. I might give it a go though one day and such a cute cover.

  6. Wow, I had no idea that the Shopholic series was still ongoing. This sounds like a fun one. :)

  7. Oooh! This sounds like a cute read! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  8. I am always up for more Becky. I love Kinsella in general, too. Her books are a mix of fun and heartwarming and always leave me with a smile

  9. Can you believe it? I'm yet to read a Kinsella book! I once read a few pages of a shopaholic book at the bookstore but that's all I've read. I do want to start and read the whole Shopaholic series! <3


  10. This looks like so much fun, but I might be internally rejoicing more that Christmas is around the corner more than the book lol

  11. I haven't read one of these books in years! I loved the books I read in the series. This one sounds like a lot of fun too. I hope you love it. Have a great weekend.

  12. I haven't read Shopaholic, but a CHRISTMAS version... YAY. I'm excited for Christmas all year, lol.

    1. Haha, me too! I've already started buying gifts!

  13. Ahh, I've been meaning to read the Shopaholic series for so many years, somehow it sounds like such a fun series. So great they're making this addition to it, love that cover! I hope you'll love it :)

  14. I'm actually reading a Christmas themed book right now so this just looks especially appealing to me at the moment.


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