
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters That Remind Me of Myself

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is characters that remind us of ourselves.

I've been listening to The Accidental Beauty Queen on audio, and I immediately connected with Charlotte, the main character.  She takes her twin sister's place in a beauty pageant after her sister suffers from a major allergic reaction.  Charlotte is a total bookworm who brings a TBR stack on vacation with her to spend a week at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  I totally identify with that!  I'm a twin, too, and the way Charlotte always compared herself to her sister, mostly negatively, really resonated with me.

TJR's books have such relatable characters, and many of them are of a similar age and stage in life as me.  In After I Do, the main character met her husband in college when she was 19, which was the same age and place I met my husband.
In Forever, Interrupted, before she meets her husband, Elsie's idea of a perfect Friday night is eating pizza, watching tv, and reading a book - honestly, this is me more nights than I'd care to admit to!

I love Emma Mills' books because she writes high school characters that actually feel real.  in First & Then, Devon really reminded me a lot of myself when I was in high school: I identified with her fear of being average, of not knowing what she wanted to do with her life, of being kind of on the fringe in school, and having an unrequited crush on her friend.  Plus, she loves books!

This one is a little cliche, but I'm going to say Hermione - I can only dream of being as smart as Hermione, but her love of books and school and her rule-following ways are definitely things I can relate to!

Can you relate to any of these characters?


  1. TJR and Emma Mills write super relatable characters!!

  2. Hermione is the best. So many people identify with her...myself included!

    My TTT.

  3. I’m pretty sure Hermione is going to be on everybody’s list. She’s the ultimate bookworm.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Honestly, she was a last-minute addition that just kind of came to me! I'm glad I thought of it, though, because if I had seen her on every list and not had her on mine, I would have felt dumb for not thinking of it!

  4. Great list! Hermione made my list this week, too, and I really need to read some of Taylor Jenkins Reid's work this year.

    1. TJR is such an amazing author, I hope you love her books!

  5. I can definitely relate to Hermione too!
    My TTT:

  6. The Accidental Beauty Queen sounds like a delight! Going to have to check this one out. I definitely think my younger self was a lot like Hermione as well. A little bossy, a stickler for the rules. Great choices.

  7. I don't care that Hermione is a cliché. There is a reason why almost the entire book community relates to her!

    My TTT:

  8. I think that most of us had to pick Hermoine!

  9. You say cliche, I saw well crafted character. I am very impressed that so many people see themselves in Hermione (and yes, she is on a LOT of lists today). I couldn't come up with anything, though, after I saw Eeyore on someone's list, I acknowledged that he was a kindred spirit.

    1. I'm glad to see a lot of other bloggers chose her!

      Haha, I'm definitely Eeyore some days, too!

  10. I think Hermione is one that many of us can relate to. I love your pick of Charlotte from The Accidental Beauty Queen. I completely forgot about her or she would have made my list too.

    1. Charlotte was definitely on my mind, I had just finished the book!

  11. Forever, Interrupted sounds interesting. The plots of the last couple of Taylor Jenkins Reid books haven't really spoken to me, but that one might.

  12. I need to read more of TJR's books. I read Maybe In Another Life and loved it.

  13. Of course Hermione! I love TJR but I haven't read the two on your list. I do own them though, so will hopefully get to them soon. Loved reading your list and getting to know more about you.

  14. Oh yes, I can definitely relate tp some of these characters, even as they're all so new to me! I am loving this list!

  15. I like this Top Ten Tuesday theme. There are a good number of books I could relate to. There's really only one that caught me off guard with how much I related to one aspect of the character's life - Mexican Whiteboy.

    I didn't know you were a twin! I have a feeling bothtwins would feel the same as the other because it's someone who looks like you/born at the same time/your sibling so you easily compare yourself to them. I always think my brother's are better than me. The way you talk about First & Then makes me want to read it. It never caught my radar but it sounds like I would relate to it too.

    1. First & Then was such a good read!

      Yes, I think you're right about twins - I always thought I came up short compared to my sister, but just a couple years ago, she told me she always thought that I was the smarter one! I was surprised!

  16. I have not read any of these but I like your mini description as most are bookworms. I am totally interested in reading The Accidental Beauty Queen as this one sounds intriguing. Thanks for the lineup and more books to add to my ever growing TBR list.


    1. Haha, you're welcome! True, most of them are bookworms!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!