
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Month in Review: April 2019

April is the birthday month in my family - aunts, cousins, nephews, brother-in-law, my sister, and me!  It seems like I was sending out cards and gifts and going to parties every weekend!  And we'll have another birthday to celebrate next year because our niece was just born - Tom and I became uncle and aunt for the 9th time!  My blog also celebrated its third birthday this month - I'm hosting a giveaway to celebrate.  It's going on for a couple more days if you haven't entered yet!

I finally took the plunge and read my first e-book this month.  My sister had a book on her Kindle that I couldn't get anywhere else, so I gave in and borrowed it for a week.  I definitely won't be giving up my paper books any time soon, but it wasn't bad!

We celebrated Easter a day early at my sister's house.  She had a pretty big crowd, and the weather cleared up just enough so my niece could do her egg hunt outside. 

We went to the movies twice this month.  I wasn't really excited about seeing Shazam because I had never even heard of it, but I ended up enjoying it a lot!  And of course, we saw Avengers: Endgame.  We bought our tickets a couple weeks, we were so excited!  We went on the Sunday of opening weekend, and I was actually able to avoid all spoilers.  I was so annoyed that headlines talking about the movie's ending were already up on Friday, so I basically just avoided the internet after that.  I LOVED the movie!  Such a perfect culmination of the last decade of Marvel movies.  I knew I would probably cry, but I was not prepared for the amount of tears streaming down my face. 

The Books

The Lake House (reread) // Before I Fall (reread) // Good Morning, Midnight (reread) // Scarlet (reread)

Me Before You (reread) // Something Borrowed (reread) // Evidence of the Affair // Ten Little Astronauts (review to come)

The Perfect Girlfriend // Starry Eyes // Yes Please (audio) // Unmarriageable (review to come)

Thanks to Lindsi at Do You Dog-Ear? for the copy of Starry Eyes!

The Song of Achilles // The Girl He Used to Know (review to come) // The Girl You Left Behind // Royals

The Posts and Reviews

The Posts I Loved

Amy at A Magical World of Words talks six blogging mistakes to avoid

Jess at Jessticulates unleashes some unpopular SFF opinions 

Laura at Boats Against the Current offers tips on how to find ideas for discussion posts 

Michelle at Pink Polka Dot Books writes a break-up letter to ghost books

How was your April?


  1. Happy birthday to everyone! I read a few e-books every year, but I definitely prefer paper books. Reading on a screen isn’t relaxing for me. Have a great May!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks, Aj! Since I don't even own an e-reader, I'm not sure how much I'll be reading e-books anyway!

  2. wow that is a busy month and you managed to get some reading done! March is like that for us and Sept lots of birthdays

    1. Seems like there always one or two months in every family where all the birthdays are clustered!

  3. Happy blog birthday! Isn't the Ten Little Astronauts cover creepy (in a good way, I mean). Enjoy your May reads!

  4. Wow birthday heavy month!! See kindles aren't all bad lol. Lots of books! Hope you have a great May!

  5. What a GREAT reading month! Scarlet and Me Before You, both great reads.

    I hope May will be a good month for you!

  6. I hope you loved The Song of Achilles! I cannot wait to read your review. Are you going to read Circe next? Based on your Goodreads rating, I see you didn't like Starry Eyes? No worries, just curious! Have you written a review for it? I'm sorry it didn't work out! :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I'm thinking about reading Circe!

      Oh, my, I don't know how that review of Starry Eyes happened on GR! It was definitely a 4-star read for me, I really enjoyed it!

  7. That's so funny! May is my family birthday month! Multiple cousins and our grandpa. I used to get so sick of ice cream cake, because each cousin wanted their own party lol!

    1. Ha!! We used to have one big family party for all the cousins when I was a kid!

  8. I cannot believe you hadn't read an ebook before now. Wow! Did you do a reread-a-thon or just in the mood to reread? That's a lot of rereads.

    1. I know, I'm such a dinosaur!

      Just in the mood to reread, I did a little over two weeks of it!

  9. Wow, Happy Birthday to pretty much your entire family, lol! Glad to hear you enjoyed Endgame. I was finally able to pick up tickets for this weekend so I'll be seeing it Saturday night. So far I've avoided spoilers so hopefully I can make it a couple more days.

    1. Haha, thank you! OMG, I hope you love Endgame and it hasn't been spoiled for you yet!

  10. It looks like you had a fab month in reading, Angela! I still love paper books, but my Kindle is soooo convenient when I’m not at home!

    1. I can definitely see how it would be helpful on vacation!

  11. Wow, what a busy month! Glad it was a good one. :) So many books, too! I'm really drawn to the cover of Good Morning, Midnight. I hope May is another good month!

  12. Wow, that's a lot of birthdays! Happy birthday to everyone who celebrated in the month of April in your family! I've been avoiding the internet a lot since Avengers: Endgame came out, and until it dies down a little, I think I'm going to avoid the internet some more, LOL.

    1. Thanks, Sophia! Haha, avoid those spoilers!!

  13. Wow, congrats on your new niece and your first e- book, among other things! And your blogoversary. :) I can't wait to see Endgame!

    Ooh Good Morning, Midnight! I kinda wanted to read that when it came out, but never did... maybe now's the time!

    1. Haha, thanks, Greg! It was an exciting month!

      I think you'll enjoy Good Morning, Midnight!

  14. Ahh what an exciting month, happy belated birthday to you and, well, everyone haha it's so exciting, all of the celebrations :) and happy blogoversary!!
    I hope you will have a beautiful month! <3

  15. My family has four birthdays in April, including mine, so I get it. But my blog's birthday is not in April lol. Awww yay a new niece! Glad you got to see some great movies even :-) Hope you're having a good May!

    1. Thanks, Kristen! April was such a good month!

  16. Gosh that's a lot of birthdays in April! Congrats on becoming an aunt again AND on your blogoversary!

    I'm always astounded by how many books you read Angela!! What a great reading month. I had to laugh at your ebook experience! I generally read all of my books on ebook for convenience - I generally only read at bedtime and the hubby is disturbed by lamp light but the built in light in my Kindle is fine for him. It's also much easier for me to get books digitally considering we don't have any proper book stores here. Kindle delivers immediately. 🤣

    1. Thanks so much, Di! Haha, well, I get a lot of extra reading in during lunch and my commute!

      I can definitely see how an e-reader would be good if you don't have great access to physical books.

  17. For a long time I simply refused to read ebooks, but now I do it often - just because of Netgalley and because it's sometimes easier. But I definitely still prefer physical copies! I just read ebooks out of necessity and it depends on the situation, haha.

    Hope you're having a lovely May!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I definitely agree, I won't be giving up my paper books, but I can see how it certain situations, they might be preferable!

  18. Your first kindle? LOL, I love and hate the kindle. Right now my kindle is down and I really need to get a new one just haven't. I do use my tablet here and there to read but it is never long term. Happy belated Easter. Wow, I can't believe May is almost over. Where did all the time go. I hope you are doing well.


    1. Thank you, Mary! Yes, this month is flying by!

      Haha, I know, I'm such a dinosaur with the Kindle!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!