
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Warrior of the Wild

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Warrior of the Wild
Tricia Levenseller
Expected publication date: February 26, 2019
How do you kill a god?

As her father's chosen heir, eighteen-year-old Rasmira has trained her whole life to become a warrior and lead her village. But when her coming-of-age trial is sabotaged and she fails the test, her father banishes her to the monster-filled wilderness with an impossible quest: to win back her honour, she must kill the oppressive god who claims tribute from the villages each year or die trying.
I've enjoyed this author's previous works and the Viking inspiration on this one is really cool!


  1. This one sounds VERY cool and that cover!

  2. This wouldn't be something I would normally go for but it sounds interesting!

  3. Interesting....that axe kind of says a lot, doesn't it?

  4. I like the cover and it sounds like an interesting read!

  5. I haven't heard of this author before. A viking story does sound like it would be really exciting. Thanks so much for sharing it. :)

  6. I've seen this one around and haven't ruled it out but I really have to stop thinking I want to read everything!

  7. This sounds awesome, and I need more Viking stories!!

  8. Oooh! I've seen this book around before! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  9. This sounds terrific, Angela! I hope you enjoy it!

  10. I love the Viking vibe....this one is definitely on my TBR list! Great pick!

  11. This appeals to me a lot! It sounds like the Viking version of the Theseus and the Minotaur story (if that makes sense, haha)

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  12. I still need to read her other series but I'm excited for this one too. Viking stories always fascinate me. Great pick!

  13. This one is on my TBR! It's one of the books I'm anticipating this year. I hope we both love it! <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  14. I've seen a few warrior/viking YA books pop up. I guess it is becoming a thing and I'm pretty excited by the prospect. The killing of the god sounds pretty cool especially since I'm so into The Magicians lately.

  15. This book is SO GOOD! I hope you love it!

  16. I'm curious about this one as well. Hope it turns out to be a good one.

  17. This sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy it if you get a chance to read it!



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