
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books From The 2nd Half of 2018

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  Earlier in the year, I gave my top books from the first half of 2018, so since this week is a freebie, I wanted to share the books I loved from the second half of the year!





Have you read any of these?  What are some of your favorite recent reads?


  1. Great list! I haven't read any of these, and haven't heard of a few of them, so I'll have to check them out.

  2. I was actually a bit disappointed by the latest by Morton

  3. oh, I forgot. My tops would be Killing Commendatore by Murakami and The Blue, stunning historical mystery/fiction by Nancy Bilyeau:

  4. I’m glad you liked The Loneliest Girl in the Universe! I’m on a waitlist for it. I might have to read The Residence, too. I remember your review of it, and it sounds really good.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. The Residence was so much fun. I think you'll really like Loneliest Girl!

  5. Oh loved Dangerous Girls!! I have some of these on my TBR and glad to see you liked them.

  6. Some of these covers are so darn good! My TTT is also about favorite 2018 reads.

  7. This is an amazing list, Angela! Some I’ve read and now all I want to read! Well-done!

  8. Wonder Women looks like a great read!!

    Here's a link to my Top Ten Tuesday post for this week:

  9. I have been wanting to read The Clockmaker's Daughter for quite some time now. I am so happy to see that you rate it as one of the best books of the year. I will have to check out some of the others on your list. :)

  10. I'm so excited to see these favorite 2018 lists. Of course it means I often have more books to add to the TBR. I always meant to get to Dangerous Girls, but haven't. Glad to see it made your list.

    1. It was really good, and I know other bloggers have loved it, too!

  11. I really liked Obscura! And I want to read the Loneliest Girl- it sounds really good!

  12. Dangerous Girls was a good one. I really wanted to like the Morton book but it had too many characters and storylines and I found myself not caring.

    1. It was a bit different from her other books, and I know a lot of people weren't crazy about it!

  13. Susanna Kearsley is an author that I've never tried but really want to, so I'm glad to see two of her books on your list. Wonder Women is one I really want to read as well.

    1. I can't believe I'd never read Susanna Kearsley before, I definitely want to read more of hers!

  14. I LOVED The Loneliest Girl in the Universe! It was such a fun and fast-paced read. Beatriz Williams is one of my auto-buy authors because I've loved everything I've read by her, but I haven't picked up Summer Wives yet. Wonder Women also looks amazing, I can't believe I haven't hear of it yet!!

    1. I LOVE Beatriz Williams! I wasn't as crazy about a couple of her more recent books, but this one really made up for it!

  15. I LOVED The Loneliest Girl in the Universe! It was such a fun and fast-paced read. Beatriz Williams is one of my auto-buy authors because I've loved everything I've read by her, but I haven't picked up Summer Wives yet. Wonder Women also looks amazing, I can't believe I haven't hear of it yet!!

  16. Whoo hoo for Dangerous Girls! That book was great, and Haas has a new book coming out next year!!!

  17. I keep eyeing Lonelist Girl - glad to see you liked it so much!

  18. I haven't read any of these, but I like your idea. We did the best books from the first half of the year, and of course we'll do one for the best of the year, but all those poor books we read at the second half of the year that don't make the best of the year are neglected!

    1. Yes, I like making two lists, room for more books!

  19. I'm so happy to see The Loneliest Girl on here, I loved this book so much and it surprised me SO much, too! :D

  20. The first cover is so pretty! I'm pretty sure I have Loneliest Girl saved to borrow from my library, either the ebook or audiobook, so maybe I should bump that up!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!