
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Sherwood

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Meagan Spooner
Expected publication date: March 19, 2019
Robin of Locksley is dead.

When news comes that he's fallen in battle at the King's side in the Holy Land, Maid Marian doesn’t know how she’ll go on. Betrothed to Robin, she was free to be herself, to flout the stifling rules of traditional society and share an equal voice with her beloved when it came to caring for the people of her land.

Now Marian is alone, with no voice of her own. The people of Locksley, persecuted by the Sheriff of Nottingham, are doomed to live in poverty or else face death by hanging. The dreadful Guy of Gisborne, the Sherriff’s right hand, wishes to step into Robin’s shoes as Lord of Locksley, and Marian’s fiancรฉ. Society demands that she accept her fate, and watch helplessly as her people starve.

When Marian dons Robin's green cloak, and takes up his sword and bow, she never intended that anyone should mistake her for Robin, returned from the Holy Land as a vigilante. She never intended that the masked, cloaked figure she created should stand as a beacon of hope and justice to peasant and noble alike. She never intended to become a legend.

But all of Nottingham is crying out for a savior. So Marian must choose to make her own fate and become her own hero...

Robin Hood. - from Goodreads
I really haven't seen any other Robin Hood retellings out there, and I love that this one makes Maid Marian the hero!


  1. Oh this is the coolest retelling! Great pick!

  2. I like Spooner, and I liked the concept of this series, but I have not read the first book. The fact that you are waiting on the second must mean it's worth a look.

  3. I am really excited for this one, too! I don't think that I have read a Robin Hood retelling and the fact that this one has a female protagonist has me intrigued as well. I hope that we both love it! :)

  4. I have this one for review. It was available on Edelweiss! I'm excited to get to it, but I have a few other review books to read first. I hope we both love this one!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We know

  5. I'm super interested in this one as well. Great choice!

  6. Oh, this is clever indeed. Hadn't heard about it, but it seems very promising. Good pick!

  7. Oooooo this one sounds super good and I'm wondering how I haven't heard about it. Thanks for putting it on my radar, Angela! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

  8. I have been eying this one also. But if you're looking for good Robin Hood retellings, you should also check out The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley.

  9. I like that this focuses on Marian as well! I love Robin Hood-inspired stories, thanks for bringing this one to my attention!

  10. This sounds pretty awesome actually.

  11. Oh, I’m definitely interested in a Robin Hood retelling with a Maid Marian hero!

  12. A female Robin Hood. How fun. I have read this author before and I do enjoy her work. Happy Wednesday!

  13. I love the idea of making Marian the hero! Genius!

  14. I've had this one on my TBR for awhile now! I loved the synopsis and the idea of a female Robin Hood. Like you said... it's not often we see Robin Hood retellings, so I'm really excited for this one!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

  15. This sounds brilliant. I love the idea that Maid Marian is the hero!

  16. I can't wait to read this one either! I haven't manage to get to Hunted yet but I've heard so many incredible things, plus Robin Hood???? Totally there!

    1. Right? I wasn't crazy about Hunted, but I want to give this author another chance!

  17. Ohhh what an interesting retelling! I haven't heard about that one before, definitely on my radar now :D Thank you! :)

  18. This on my Pre-Order list to get. I soooo want to read this one!



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