
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Forget You Know Me

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Jessica Strawser
Expected publication date: February 5, 2019
In this riveting domestic thriller, Jessica Strawser takes readers deep into the intimate friendship of two women and the distance, secrets, and lies that threaten to break them apart.

Liza and Molly are life-long best friends—or at least they used to be. Ever since Liza moved to Chicago to pursue her career, leaving Molly behind in Cincinnati with a husband and two kids, the distance between their two lives has grown more and more insurmountable. In a last-ditch effort to save their friendship, they arrange a “girls night” over webcam, wine in hand, catching up like they used to. But when Molly runs upstairs to check on a crying toddler, Liza watches, horror-struck, as a masked man enters the home of her best friend.

After calling the police, Liza frantically tries to reach Molly, but when she finally responds, her message is icy and terse, insisting that everything is fine. Liza is still convinced something is wrong—that her friend is in danger. But after an all-night drive to rescue her ends in a brutal confrontation, Liza is sure their friendship is over.

Meanwhile, Molly finds herself wondering whether she’s dodged one ruinous mistake only to make another in its place. Did she sacrifice her oldest friendship to save her marriage? Or has she inadvertently sacrificed both?

Liza and Molly can’t avoid each other forever, and soon, they’ll face a reckoning that will force them to decide just how much weight a shared history can carry. - from Goodreads


  1. I am looking forward to this one! I have enjoyed her other books too.

    1. I skipped her last one because it sounded too similar to her first, but this sounds completely different!

  2. OH WOW! This sounds really, really entertaining. Thanks for putting this one my radar. Definitely adding it to the TBR list.

  3. Wow, that would be freaky- seeing something like that! And then having the friend act weird. I might have to get this

  4. I just got approved for an ARC of this and can't wait to read it. It sounds so good!

  5. Seriously, watching an intruder and being so far away. Crazy! I know my heart started pumping a little bit just from that blurb. Sounds great.

  6. This sounds exciting and also slightly terrifying. Hope you ends up being an enjoyable read!

    1. Thanks, Alicia! It's definitely a bit disconcerting Molly tries to downplay it.


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