
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Book Haul #2

I recently volunteered with my Friends of the Library group at their annual book sale, and of course I couldn't resist picking up a few books of my own!  Here are the books I grabbed (and seriously, for $0.50 each, you can't go wrong!):


The Girl on the Train (to replace a copy someone borrowed from me and never returned!) // The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society // Clara and Mr. Tiffany



Have you read any of these?  Where should I start first?


  1. Such bargains for those amazing looking books! I'd love to read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, myself.

  2. The Girl on the Train has been on my TBR forever, I hope you like it!! :)

    ~ Lily @ Sprinkles of Dreams

    1. I really liked it, I needed to replace my copy!

  3. What good picks on the cheap!! The Girl You Left Behind was one I loved. I enjoyed a bunch others up there too! Hope you enjoy them too!

  4. Thank you in advance for letting me borrow some of these....

  5. I hope you like them! I’m glad my library doesn’t have sales or I’d buy everything.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. The Friends group actually has a continuous book sale going on in the library year-round - I try to stay away from that!

  6. For that price you couldn't leave them. I loved that Diane Chamberlain book. Great choices, enjoy.

  7. The Girl on the Train seems really interesting. Sorry to hear someone didn't return your book. That's happened to me before too. Thieves!

  8. Isn't it fun to help with a library book sale? I love doing that - plus, it doesnt' hurt to pick up a few (or more than a few) book bargains. I've read the first two you listed, but have had others on my TBR at times. I remember that cover of The Tea Rose. Never read the book, but meant to.

    1. This was my first time volunteering with them, and it was fun!

  9. Nice haul and such great prices too! That Diane Chamberlain book caught my eye right away, especially since I loved her last book so much.

    1. Yeah, I want to read her most recent book, and when I saw her name on this cover, I wanted to try it out!

  10. A Royal Match looks adorable. I have no idea why I love royal books, when I roll my eyes every time I see something about the actual royal family, but I love them. The Rosie Effect was tough for me, because I hated seeing my couple having problems, but I liked the book.

    1. I'm a sucker for anything royal! I didn't realize The Rosie Effect was a sequel, I'll have to read the original!

  11. .50 cents each- wow nice haul. Hope you like Girl on The Train!

  12. You really hit the jackpot, Angela! I have several of these on my TBR, too. I hope you have many hours of happy reading ahead!

    Jennifer Tar Heel Reader

  13. It's been a long time since I visited you, I hope all is well with you.
    I live in one of the biggest city and I never come across awesome library sales! lol But you did fine some amazing books. Girl on the Train was on my TBR until I saw the movie, usually when I see the movie I wont read the book. I just know that I wont enjoy it anymore. That's why I try to always read before I watch the movie lol. I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead, Angela. xoxo

    1. Glad to have you back here! Everything is great!

      Yes, this book sale was pretty incredible, and they raised a ton of money for the library!

  14. They Gurensey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, yes, yes YES!!!! I can't wait to read you opinion about it! I enjoyed it a lot.

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  15. AWESOME haul!! I LOVE The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes, and The Rosie Effect!!

    1. Yay, glad to get good recommendations for these! I was just grabbing stuff that looked interesting!

  16. All such great looking books! I'm dying to read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society because I'm dying to see the movie, too :)

    And ugh how infuriating that someone borrowed TGOTT and never gave it back. So so rude!

    1. Yeah, I kept seeing the movie around and knew people enjoyed it!

      OMG, I know! It was a nice hardcover, too.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!