
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Hidden Gems

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is hidden gems.  I went through my Goodreads "Read" list and chose some books I really enjoyed that didn't have a lot of reviews or ratings.  These books are all wonderful, so I'm hoping to get the word out there about them!


Valley of the Moon by Melanie Gideon: Time travel, love, family, forgiveness - this book has it all. 

Rutherford Park by Elizabeth Cooke: If you like Downton Abbey, try this book out.

Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton: A quiet yet powerful "end of the world" story.


 The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice: A quirky coming-of-age story, for fans of I Capture the Castle.

The Windy City Magic series by Crystal Cestari: This YA series with a dose of magical realism is so adorable, I'm really surprised I haven't seen more love for it!


 A Touch of Stardust by Kate Alcott: If you enjoy historical fiction and Gone With the Wind, you'll love this one.

How to Disappear by Sharon Huss Roat: Other bloggers have talked about this book, but I really think more people should read it, for its messages about social media and self-confidence.

The Debutante by Kathleen Tessaro: A grand English estate, a decades-old mystery - love this one!

The Scent of Rain and Lightning by Nancy Pickard: This well-plotted, slow burn murder mystery is a must for anyone who likes character-driven suspense.


  1. Great list! Good Morning, Midnight sounds really interesting, I'll have to check it out.

  2. Oh most of these are new to me so I will ap to check them out. How To Disappear catches my eye!

  3. Awesome list! I have had Rutherford Park on my bookshelf for quite sometime. Hopefully I can read it soon. I also agree about A Touch of Stardust - loved that book!

    1. So glad to hear someone else read it and loved it!

  4. Valley of the Moon is on my TBR list. I’m glad you liked it. Hopefully I’ll read it someday.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. I'm loving this topic and reading it about it all over the place. Making lots of notes! I haven't read any of the books on your list, but have known of several of them. I have read another book by Nancy Pickard that I loved, THE VIRGIN OF SMALL PLAINS. I think it is written in a similar vein to the one you mentioned (which has been on my list forever!). I got to meet Nancy Pickard last spring. It was great!

    1. That's awesome! I read The Virgin of Small Plains, but it didn't make as big of an impact as Scent of Rain!

  6. This prompt is leaving me with so many more books I need to read! I have not read any of these books. I'm a Downton Abbey fan, so Rutherford Park is one I'll definitely check out! I'm jotting down so many titles form your list, though, so I'm glad to have more awesome-sounding books to find. :)

    1. Yay, I hope you enjoy all of them! I've gotten my mom into reading the Rutherford Park books, too!

  7. How to Disappear is one that I have wanted to read for so long now! I have heard great things from a few people, but you're right in saying there isn't too much buzz about it. The Windy City Magic series looks like such a great series. I will have to give it a try. :)

    1. They are all such great books, I'm surprised I haven't heard more about them!

  8. I haven't read any of these but I'm sure there are a lot that I'd love. :D

    1. Probably! We do seem to enjoy a lot of the same books!

  9. Good Morning, Midnight! Holy moly that cover! I am always shocked when a book with a great cover doesn't get more notice. Added it to my holds list at the library because I also love "end of world" plots!

    1. I know,right? Beautiful cover! I hope you love it!

  10. Valley of the Moon made my list too! I thought it was lovely

    1. Yay, so glad to find someone else who loved this book!

  11. Oh, yeah! How to Disappear is SO GOOD!!!! I have nothing but praise for that book.

  12. Ooh I liked Rutherford Park. I think I read the follow up too. And Good morning, Midnight is one I almost got, back when it came out. Looks like a good read.

    1. Yay, so glad someone else has read Rutherford Park!

  13. HOW TO DISAPPEAR sounds really good!! I don't know how that slipped past me last summer! Also, the Crystal Cestari books are totally on my TBR and sitting here waiting for me to read them.

    1. I saw How To Disappear around a tiny bit, but way less than I expected! The Windy City series is just so adorable, I hope you love it!

  14. Rutherford Park sounds really good and I think I have The Windy City series on my TBR, probably added it after reading your review for it, lol.

  15. I'm a little surprised, but I've only read one book on your list. Looks like you've given me a lot to look at more closely!

  16. I haven't read any of these, or even heard of most of them! But I'll check out the Windy City series, and probably the Nancy Pickard as well.


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