
Monday, August 13, 2018

Summer TBR Wipeout 2018 Wrap-Up

I can't believe it's already time to finish up the Summer TBR Wipeout, hosted by The Candid Cover!  After my last update, I had three books left on my TBR for this challenge, and I was really looking forward to them!


The Sweetest Kind of Fate by Crystal Cestari is just such a sweet and adorable book.  It's the second book in the Windy City Magic duology and it's about a teenager who's also a matchmaker.  I love all the magical realism in these books: you have high school students doing regular things, like applying to college and working after-school jobs, but there's also mermaids and sirens and witches.  Friendship, love, and family are all themes of this book, without being too heavy on the drama.  Highly recommend!

Then I moved onto Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs.  I don't know why it took me so long to read this book; I remember seeing the movie and enjoying it, and I always thought the cover looked cool, and a bit creepy.  I enjoyed the world building in this book and the way the author incorporated all the old photographs.  Even though the story took a long time to get going, I still liked this one.
The End We Start From by Megan Hunter was my last, and shortest, read for this challenge.  At only 134 pages, I flew through this book in less than two hours.  Basically, it's kind of a dystopian/post-apocalyptic book that focuses on a woman who has just given birth when flood waters rise exponentially and she is forced to flee her home.  The writing is very sparse and straightforward, and the juxtaposition of the massive changes in the environment and civilization versus a mother watching her child grow was pretty cool.
So, that's it!  The Summer TBR Wipeout 2018 is complete!  I'm so glad I did this challenge and knocked 9 books off my TBR!


  1. Great job! I really need to read the Windy City Magic books! I love the sound of them.

    1. They are so cute, and I'm surprised they haven't gotten more love!

  2. Congrats on finishing 9 books for your Summer TBR Wipeout! I NEED to read the Windy City Magic books, they look and sound adorable, so happy to hear you loved this one :)

    1. They are so adorable, I think you would love them!

  3. You did very well! I've not read the Miss Peregrine book, but I've seen the movie. Maybe I could listen to it.

    1. I thought about listening to it, but I think being able to see the photographs as the MC is referencing them was better!

  4. I'm so glad you enjoyed all of these! And congrats on getting through nine books from your TBR--that's some awesome progress! The End We Start From sounds really interesting.

    1. Thanks, Jordan! It definitely was not what I was expecting.

  5. Yeah! Congrats on finishing your challenge. I really enjoyed Miss Peregrine when it came out, I hated the second book, and I got irritated with the cliffhangers, so I never finsihed the series, I might reconsider that.

    1. Thanks, Heidi! I liked Miss Peregrine, but haven't decided yet if I'm going to continue the series.

  6. 9 books knocked off your TBR is amazing! Congrats! :D

  7. You did such a great job on this challenge! I'm really glad to hear how much you enjoyed The Sweetest Kind of Fate. I've had cover love for that one for a while now so now I'm anxious to read it.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I loved both books in the duology, the covers are beautiful and really showcase the Chicago setting!

  8. I'm so happy that you enjoyed Miss. P so much. I have yet to finish the rest of the books in the series, but it is definitely one of my favourites. Thank you so much for participating again this year. You did a fantastic job completing the challenge. :)

    1. Thank you, Olivia! I love doing this challenge, so thank you for hosting it!

  9. I didn't end up enjoying Miss. P as much as I thought I would. Congrats on the challenge!

  10. I still haven't read Miss Peregrine either! How would you compare it to the movie? I enjoyed that, but I'm hesitant about the book.

    1. It's hard to say - the book had those creepy old photographs, which I think the movie tried to replicate a little. I think the MC acted maybe a bit old for his age in the book compared to the movie. It was a pretty quick read, though.

  11. You did awesome! I am glad I did this challenge I felt like I got some much needed books out of my way and that is 11 reviews that I can do! =)


    1. Thanks, Mary! Exactly, I had some books lingering from last year that I wanted to get through, and I did just that!

  12. I really liked Riggs' series, and am looking forward to the new book. I never looked that hard at The Sweetest Kind of Fate, but it sounds like something I would enjoy.

    1. The Windy City Magic series is so cute, I wish more people were reading it!

  13. I'll definitely need to add the Sweetest Kind of Fate to my tbr!

  14. The first and third don't look like SFF from the covers. They sound interesting though! I feel like you don't see a lot of dystopian or post apoc that involves babies or children.

    1. I think that's why it stood out to me so much - there are a lot of post-apocalyptic survival stories out there, but this one focused on an aspect that most authors don't.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!