
Monday, July 30, 2018

Summer TBR Wipeout 2018: Update #2

I can't believe it's time for the second update on the Summer TBR Wipeout, hosted by The Candid Cover!  Since my last update, I've read 3 books:

I've been wanting to read The Garden of Small Beginnings by Abbi Waxman since last summer, but for some reason kept putting it off.  I'm so glad I added it to my TBR for this challenge, because I really loved it! The Garden of Small Beginnings tells the story of widow Lilian as she and her young daughters take a gardening class.  I loved the cast of characters around her, especially her sister, and watching Lilian try to open herself up to love again made me cry some happy tears.

Next I moved onto The Address by Fiona Davis, which is set at the historic Dakota apartment building in New York City.  The story is told in a dual timeline: the first is in the 1880s, when the building first opens, and the second is in the mid-1980s and focuses on cousins living in the Dakota who are related to the fictional architect of the building, Theodore Camden.  I loved learning about the historic building; however, even though I enjoy dual timeline stories, it seems like one story is usually more interesting than the other.  In this case, I preferred the 1880s story about the female manager of the building.

The third book I read was Daughter of the Siren Queen by Tricia Levenseller.  I really enjoyed Daughter of the Pirate King and was looking forward to the sequel - it didn't disappoint!  I love these strong female pirates, and this book was so action-packed!  There were a lot of tense moments, and not everyone makes it out.  Definitely a great conclusion to the duology!

So, I have three books left on my TBR for this challenge, and I'm looking forward to getting started on them!


  1. I'm really glad you enjoyed Daughter of the Siren Queen. I still need to buy and read it for myself. Looking forward to it!

    1. It was really fun! A little darker than the first, but still good.

  2. I hope to read The Address soon - thanks for the heads up about the dual timeline. I hate when that happens!

    1. It can definitely be a problem - but I'd still recommend it!

  3. I really like the sound of The Address and remember some reading it a while back. Glad you liked these books! Have a good week!

  4. I’m glad you mostly liked them! Good luck with finishing the challenge.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. I didn't enjoy DOTPK, I had major issues with it, but I am still curious to try the sequel. I adore pirates :)

    Hope you enjoy the last three books!

    1. Yes, pirates are a lot of fun! I thought it was a good sequel.

  6. I'm glad you seemed to like all of these! I have a copy of The Garden of Small Beginnings that I've been meaning to pick up, and I've been hearing good things about The Address as well.

    1. The Garden of Small Beginnings was such a good surprise, it was so heartfelt.

  7. SO glad you liked The Garden of Small Beginnings!! I loved that one so much!

    1. It was so good,I'm glad I finally got to it!

  8. I want to read Garden. I read Waxman's second book, and enjoyed it a lot. I heard her first book is even better, so I expect it to delight me. I liked Siren Queen, not as much as Pirate King, but still liked it. I thought Alosa and Riden was apart for too much of the book, and I adored those two together.

    1. Yes, they're a cute couple, but I kinda wish her mother had played a bigger part in the book? It seemed like a bit of a missed opportunity.

  9. I so want to read Daughter of The Siren Queen!

    1. It was good, I hope you get to read it soon and enjoy it!

  10. Oh wow, I can't believe we're at the second update already. Where is the time going? Looks like you are making great progress on your TBR and I'm excited to see that you enjoyed The Garden of Small Beginnings. I've been putting that one off for way too long.

    1. Me, too, I've been thinking about that book since last year, so I'm glad I made it a priority.

  11. All of these sound interesting, but I'm particularly glad to read your thoughts on the Daughter of the Pirate King duology, since I've been debating adding that one to my TBR. Thanks!

  12. I finally got to Daughter of the Siren Queen as well. I think it was just as fun as the first novel.

  13. I really need to read Daughter of the Pirate King! That series looks so good!

    1. The books are really good, and I just love the covers!

  14. I should get the Levenseller books. I'm glad they're good, and it's a duology which is kinda nice... no waiting for a third book! Plus pirates.

    1. Exactly! Duologies are so manageable. And everything is better with pirates!

  15. Look at you go!!! I love these updates :)

  16. Wow you're almost done with your TBR challenge- that's awesome!!!

  17. I really need to get on The Daughter of the Pirate King series. I am so happy that you enjoyed it so much! Good luck with the last bit of the challenge. :)


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