
Monday, July 16, 2018

Summer TBR Wipeout 2018: Update #1

It's time for my first update of the Summer TBR Wipeout hosted by The Candid Cover!

I started with The Party by Robyn Harding, which I've been wanting to read since Suzanne at The Bookish Libra reviewed it last yearThe Party is the story of the aftermath of an accident at a Sweet 16 sleepover.  I liked the idea behind this book because it sounds so realistic, and I was interested to see how the lawsuit would play out, but the characters were all pretty terrible people.  The parents who hosted the party told anyone who would listen that they weren't responsible for the accident - if I read that one more time, I was going to scream.  But the book held my attention and I flew through it; I didn't even mind the open ending.

I ended up getting Legendary by Stephanie Garber from the library way sooner than I expected, so I dove into that for my second read. I was looking forward to this one because it's from Tella's point of view, and even though she didn't have a huge role in the first book, I got the impression she was spunky and confident and fun.  I was a little disappointed with her boy-crazy thoughts and the flowery writing (which was also an issue I had with Caraval), but I did like that the stakes were higher in this game - I didn't know what was real or who to trust.

Then I picked up Slightly South of Simple by Kristy Woodson Harvey.  This was a summer read from last year that I didn't get to, so I figured now would be a good time for it! Slightly South of Simple tells the story of Caroline Murphy, whose husband leaves her while she's pregnant, as she flees to her mother's home  in Peachtree Bluff.  She is joined there by her sisters.  I think this was a good beach read; it had plenty of drama and a fun Southern setting.  Although there were some random storylines that I felt were unnecessary, I enjoyed the relationship between Caroline and her sisters.

What have you been reading this summer?


  1. Whoo hoo! Good job. I have had my eye on The Party for quite a while too. Open ending, huh? Hmmmmm.

    1. Thanks, Sam! I think the open ending worked here.

  2. Oh, you've done well! The Party is one I've had on my TBR For ages as well! I do need to get to to it asap bc you've reminded me exactly why I wanted to read it in the first place.

  3. I read THE PARTY last year and remember it or mostly do. I liked it, but yes, some pretty unpleasant people. You're doing well on your challenge.

  4. Will you be reviewing Legendary on your blog? I'd love to hear your full thoughts on that book! I'm looking forward to reading it because I found Tella a more compelling character in the first book, compared to Scarlett, but my issue with Caraval was also the flowery prose :(

    1. I won't be doing a full review. I just summed it up above, but this series so far is kind of disappointing to me. I want it to be full of fantasy and wonder and magic, and there's just too much focus on romance.

  5. Great job! I’ve seen Legendary everywhere recently.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. Great job so far!! I loved Legendary and I definitely preferred Tella's POV. The Party also sounds really good!

    1. Thanks, Tracy! I thought I would prefer Tella's POV, but she wasn't quite the character I remembered.

  7. Looks like a great start to your TBR wipeout! I'm really hoping to finally get to Legendary soon, I'm interested to read from Tella's POV (though disappointing to hear it's a bit boy-crazy). It sounds like a great sequel overall, though! I've been intrigued by The Party also, sounds like an interesting one!

  8. You're off to a great start, Angela! I've already read and enjoyed the first two, but Slightly South of Simple sounds like one I would probably enjoy as well.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! Yes, if you like family dramas, you'll enjoy Slightly South of Simple.

  9. Eep! I can't wait to read Legendary. I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. Maybe next month depending on what books will get in the way. lol

  10. God job! I liked - didn't love- Slightly South of Simple . I still need to get to the next one.

    1. I felt the same way. Not sure if I will continue!

  11. The Party sounds really good! I haven't read any of these yet.

    Currently I'm reading quite a few things... If I read audio, physical or E-book all depends on my mood.
    So for audio currently I'm listening to Copycat and Forgive me, Leonard Peacock.
    For e-book I'm reading The Phoenix Cycle and Heart of Thorns.
    And for book I'm reading The One.

  12. I never picked up Caraval because of the boy fascination issue, but I'm glad you found reasons to still like both. Good luck with the rest of your summer TBR!

  13. I enjoyed Legendary. I hope you like it!

  14. The Party sounds like an amazing read! I am defiantly going to be adding it to my TBR. I hope that the next leg of the challenge has some more wonderful reads for you. :)

  15. Awesome!! I need to power through a few books on my TBR sometime soon! :)

  16. My previous comment didn't post >.<

    I didn't know that Caraval was a little boy-crazy. I already got it for my sis and have yet to get around to it. You're doing pretty good!

  17. I was doubting to read Legendary since I wasn't that big of a fan of Caraval. Not sure if I want more boy-craziness, I wasn't a big fan of the romance in Caraval either...

    1. Yeah, it wasn't really what I expected, I was a little disappointed.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!