
Monday, July 2, 2018

Summer TBR Wipeout 2018: Intro Post

Last summer I had so much fun doing the Summer TBR Wipeout hosted by The Candid Cover, so I am really excited to join in again this year.  For all the details on this low-stress summer challenge, visit The Candid Cover here.  I think this will be the perfect chance to finally get to some titles I've been putting off.  Here's what I'm planning to read this summer:

Bonus read, if I can get it from the library in time:

What are you reading this summer?


  1. Nice haul of books you have lined up! I read and enjoyed Slightly South of Simple, and have book 2 on the kindle waiting to start. I hope you have lots of fun choosing your next read from that stack!

  2. Lots of great picks! Good luck!

  3. Good luck! I’ll be interested to hear what you think of The End We Start From. I might want to read that one. I haven’t decided yet.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I saw a not-so-great review for it, but it's short, so I figured, what the heck.

  4. This sounds like a great idea! And it looks like you have some great books lined up. I've been really interested in The Address, and I'm hoping to pick up Legendary also. Best of luck!

  5. Ugh, my comment didn't get sent >_<

    I like the cover of The Address! Haven't read Miss Peregrine's either. I have a copy of Caraval but it's not with me right now, hope you get Legendary in time! I've heard good stuff about it :D

    1. Yeah, I'm hoping Legendary is better than Caraval!

  6. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Daughter of the Siren Queen (I still need to read the first one). The Sweetest Kind of Fate has the most gorgeous cover!

    1. I know, I love that cover! And since we were recently in Chicago, it looks familiar!

  7. Fantastic list! I really liked Slightly South of Simple and the sequel too - perfect summertime reads, especially if you like a southern setting. I also want to read The Address, too!

    1. I wanted to get to Slightly South of Simple last year but just didn't, so I'm looking forward to reading it this summer!

  8. I still need to buy Daughter of the Siren Queen but haven't gotten around it yet. So many books to buy and read, so little money and time. xD

  9. Looks like a pretty great TBR list. I especially look forward to seeing what you think of The Garden of Small Beginnings and The Address. Good luck with the challenge!

  10. I am actually participating in this too. I read two of those books, Peculiar Children and Siren King, and really enjoyed them both. I hope your library loan comes through for Legendary. I still need to read it, but my daughter really enjoyed it.

    1. Good luck to you, too! I've been wanting to read Peculiar Children and thought this would be a good time to finally get to it.

  11. oh I will have to look into this challenge looks like fun :D good luck on your books. I read The Garden of Small Beginnings and liked that one, I did not like Peculiar children, but the rest of the books up there look fun!

    1. Thanks, Lily! I've seen lots of good reviews on The Garden of Small Beginnings.

  12. I love this time of year because we all seem to add more backlist titles to our TBRs. I hope that you enjoy Miss P and Daughter of the Siren Queen! Thanks so much for joining again this year. I love reading your updates. :)

  13. Oooh. I'm interested to see what you make of Miss Peregrine's and I hope you do get Legendary! I am wondering if I should reread Caraval or just dive right in!?!? Decisions, decisions.

    1. I actually just read Legendary, and I found I didn't remember a lot from Caraval - but it's up to you!

  14. I want to re-read Caraval before I jump into Legendary because I feel like I may have forgotten some of the details. My library has a ridiculous line for it but I still plan to get to it sometime soon or at least before the year ends.

    Best of luck on your challenge!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  15. Great! So glad to hear you joined too! I know you told me on my post. Sorry, I am a little late in getting over. It has been a super busy week and weekend for that matter. It will settle down tomorrow and I will get back to a semi-normal. You have a lot on here I want to read like Legendary! We should have fun getting rid of some of our TBR list!


    1. No problem, Mary! Have fun with the challenge!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!