
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Masterpiece

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases!

The Masterpiece
Fiona Davis
Expected publication date: August 7, 2018
For the nearly nine million people who live in New York City, Grand Central Terminal is a crown jewel, a masterpiece of design. But for Clara Darden and Virginia Clay, it represents something quite different.

For Clara, the terminal is the stepping stone to her future, which she is certain will shine as the brightly as the constellations on the main concourse ceiling. It is 1928, and twenty-five-year-old Clara is teaching at the lauded Grand Central School of Art. A talented illustrator, she has dreams of creating cover art for Vogue, but not even the prestige of the school can override the public's disdain for a "woman artist." Brash, fiery, confident, and single-minded--even while juggling the affections of two men, a wealthy would-be poet and a brilliant experimental painter--Clara is determined to achieve every creative success. But she and her bohemian friends have no idea that they'll soon be blindsided by the looming Great Depression, an insatiable monster with the power to destroy the entire art scene. And even poverty and hunger will do little to prepare Clara for the greater tragedy yet to come.

Nearly fifty years later, in 1974, the terminal has declined almost as sharply as Virginia Clay's life. Full of grime and danger, from the smoke-blackened ceiling to the pickpockets and drug dealers who roam the floor, Grand Central is at the center of a fierce lawsuit: Is the once-grand building a landmark to be preserved, or a cancer to be demolished? For Virginia, it is simply her last resort. Recently divorced, she has just accepted a job in the information booth in order to support herself and her college-age daughter, Ruby. But when Virginia stumbles upon an abandoned art school within the terminal and discovers a striking watercolor hidden under the dust, her eyes are opened to the elegance beneath the decay. She embarks on a quest to find the artist of the unsigned masterpiece--an impassioned chase that draws Virginia not only into the battle to save Grand Central but deep into the mystery of Clara Darden, the famed 1920s illustrator who disappeared from history in 1931. - from Goodreads
I love the book's focus on a historic NYC landmark!


  1. I always seem to be adding books to my wishlist when I visit your blog, Angela! This one as well. It definitemy sounds like my kind of read!

    1. Haha, yay! We do seem to have similar tastes in books!

  2. I love that this story seems to have so many interesting layers to it and, of course, that it's set in NYC. Adding to my TBR right now :)

  3. Oh my goodness, this sounds wonderful! I look forward to your rveiew!

  4. This sounds great! Running to put this on hold at my library!

  5. I love the sound of this one. Truly. I'll be waiting for it too!

  6. I like that this is set in a NYC landmark too- and Grand central Station no less. Definitely sounds interesting!

  7. Oh wow, this sounds really interesting! I'm definitely adding it to my TBR as well!

  8. This sounds wonderful ~ Hope you enjoy it a lot!

    Renee ~ My Wow

  9. yes I agree this sounds so good

  10. I get a Gatsby vibe from that cover! It sounds like a fantastic read. I hope that you love it. :)

  11. Love the cover for this one and am always intrigued by books that take place during the roaring 20s. Hope it's a good one!

  12. This looks so good and the cover is beautiful! I hope you love it!

  13. Fantastic pick! I love the sound of this one and the cover is gorgeous!

  14. Fascinating summary. I'm just a little worried about the love triangle as always but otherwise it sounds like something that I'd enjoy. I like the idea of art being in the centre of the story.

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. I know, I hope the romance is just a small part of the story!

  15. I love books set in this era! Love the cover too. I hope you enjoy it!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  16. This sounds good to me too! I have a weakness for dual timeline historical fiction :)

  17. I'm with you! Grand Central Station is a thing of beauty. Thank goodness Jackie O took such an interest in preserving it.


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